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The sound effect

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 08/09/2017

» With the number of independent films being made and an increasing number of recording artists taking the leap into the unknown without a label, knowledge about sound and how and where to best capture it becomes key. Luckily you're in the right country. Thailand is a production hub for Southeast Asia when it comes to film and now even more so, music. So, if you've written music for a video, a movie, a music album or you've got this song in your head that you always dreamed of recording... where do you go to turn such far-fetched notes into reality? You could of course do it yourself and start off at home! All you'd need is a condenser mic, a laptop and a few other bits of hardware (e.g. an audio interface, headphones, a MIDI keyboard) and software (Logic Pro or Ableton are some of many) and you'd be well on your way. Or you could go to the professionals, who would have all the gear at your disposal as well as the know-how to see your visions turn into reality. We decided to investigate some of the city's existing recording studios to see what they have to offer in the way of making music.



Notes from Bangkok

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 02/06/2017

» This week, we're bringing you some musical notes through the likes of Bangkok's hottest -- in our most humble opinion -- singer-songwriters. Because in the age of digital, sometimes it's sweeter to go back to analogue. It's nice to appreciate where music came from not so long ago... It ain't just about the bashing of thumbs on laptops or the scratching of vinyls, you know? It's also about the strumming of guitar strings, the hitting of plastic and leather and the sound of a larynx voicing notes that came from somewhere close to the beat of a human heart! Yes, besides becoming Asia's hub for electronic music, Bangkok's equally also driving some of the slightly more natural sounds that continue to resonate with our musical souls. And we seem to have some pretty skilled lyricists on our turf too. Check these guys out before they blow up. Whoops, some of them already have!



What's spinning on GURU FM

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 05/08/2016

» "Without music, life would be a mistake", said existentialism's darling, Friedrich Nietzsche. Guru does solemnly agree. And who pushes a significant portion of music in this city? Bangkok's live DJs, of course! They're like our unsung heroes, our hidden gems. They really do hold the keys to our city!