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Twice the Magic, Twice the Madness

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 06/01/2017

» Tada Piriyanupong, 26, is a Thai business arts major at ABAC who has lived most of his life in Dubai. Charles-Alexis Guenard, also studying at ABAC but in the faculty of communication arts, is a half-Thai and half-French 20-year-old who was born in France. Together, they form a charismatic magic duo known as "Charles The French and Tada" who perform all over the country in major hotels, shopping venues and occasionally on television. We had a chat with the pair and it was everything one could hope for in an interview — reeking with personality.



Art in His memory

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 28/10/2016

» Mourning the death of their King, Thai artists from all over the nation pay their solemn respects in the way they know best: by creating art. One tribute piece that has won the hearts of many mourners nationwide belongs to artist Wasinburee Supanichvoraparch. Using one of the King's most iconic images, Wasinburee, with help from his pupil Aungkana Panthongka, has created a pink sculpture replica for Khao Changum.



August All Year Round

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 21/10/2016

» <b>The setting:</b> A healthy new diner has opened up inside Chidlom's blinding red community mall. Located on Mercury Ville's third floor, August Organic Eatery occupies a corner spot facing Ploenchit Road, which entitles it to a capacious dining space and stunning view of -- Central Chidlom. The entrance is a little cramped, covered in distracting credit card promotion signs during our visit, but past that, the atmosphere made it convincing to stay. White walls are tattooed with hand-painted murals of veggies and also accessorised with bronze-lettered statements. From high tables to plush blue sofas, the choices of seating are as bountiful as the eight month and accommodating enough for a bustling weekday's crowd.



Delicately Thai

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 14/10/2016

» Growing up in Thailand, I was never really fond of our traditional desserts. The combination of coconut and undisguised sugar -- cornerstones of Thai confection -- always hit me like a note too sharp for my bass range of creamy, chocolaty sweets. Why I wanted to give Wanlamun a try, nonetheless, is knowing that it comes from the same patissier behind the short-lived but sensational Let Them Eat Cake, the closure of which we are still crying over.



BKK'S bread heaven

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 16/09/2016

» What exactly makes for phenomenal bread? The answer is in the name: holes. Just slice through a croissant at Holey Artisan Bakery and you'll see. The layers separate so equally, rendering the cross-section like a rose in perfect bloom. If it looks delicate and fragile, it's 'cause it is. You should be covered in flakes by the time you're done devouring the pastry - a sign of the best.



That one friend

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 09/09/2016

» This week in Guru, we celebrate the oddballs in our lives. Those people we know who are "a little" off-centre, regular commuters on the road less travelled, you know, the unicorns. Every so often, for selfish reasons, we might wish they were a little more "normal", but always immediately after saying that, we eat our words realising the tragedy we've just described. So let's take some time to identify and appreciate the people who entertain us by just being them. Here are nine of the most common weirdos in any Bangkokian social circle.



Street dining made easy

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 26/08/2016

» <b>The Setting:</b> Remember the Weasley's deceptively roomy accommodation for the Quidditch World Cup in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire? That was the image that popped into mind when we crossed the threshold of The Local Canteen. From its humble storefront in a pint-sized soi, you'd never imagine to find beyond the doorway, a skylit tunnel that seats nearly 70 diners.



Doodling dreams

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 19/08/2016

» In the wake of news about a certain multinational corporation shamelessly stealing intellectual property from independent designers who weren't "big enough" to matter, we were reminded of why it's important to give artists our backing. So, we scoured the streets -- or more so the digital lanes of Facebook and Instagram -- for local imaginations worth following and getting to know. The result is an eclectic pick of illustrators and designers we think could very well be the next Jeepjeep, Wisut or Sundae Kids.



Peeps for peeps

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 29/07/2016

» <b>The Setting</b>: Peeps, as in "where ma peeps at", is a humble Thai eatery on Phra Athit Road run by sisters Au and Eve Traitrongsat, who were inspired to open a restaurant of their own after a couple of years of kitchen experience in New York. Given its limited floor space, the restaurant impressively manages to have an open kitchen and six tables inside without cramping up the place. On the wall, simple stencil graffiti, board games and a collection of instax mini photos of customers bring forth a personality fitting to the restaurant's name, which clearly stresses camaraderie and modernity over Thainess and traditionalism.



Ceramic therapy

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 15/07/2016

» "The clay will teach you," was lesson number one.