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What's trending and happening this week

Muse, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 23/01/2016

» 1 Considering the number of times we crossed paths with Snoopy and Charlie Browns towards the end of last year, from the burger to the blockbuster celebrating the 65th anniversary of cuteness, it seems we were being given huge clues as to the theme of 2016. So it’s no surprise to see the release of Bata Tennis Featuring Peanuts shoes, white low-cut sneakers with prints of Peanuts’ characters, perfect for casual wear. The limited edition goes on sale at the pop-up store in Siam Center on Jan 29-30 from 10am. Be sure to get there early because Thailand’s Bata only secured a quota of 200 pairs.



The doc will click you now

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 13/10/2015

» At day, Dr Adunchai Sangsert changes women's lives by giving them higher noses, larger eyes and bigger breasts. But at night, after getting home and tucking his sons into bed, he switches on his computer and begins to provide answers, for free, to online questions sent to him. Queries range from a distressed mother seeking the correct way to breastfeed her newborn, to a disoriented elder who has just found out he has cancer.



Ritual abuse or harmless fun?

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 09/09/2015

» To haze or not to haze, the question persists. Late last month, scandals concerning university hazing rituals made headlines -- as they have done every year without fail as a new terms starts. First Lalita Hanwong, a history teacher at Mahasarakham University, was verbally threatened with violence and even sexual harassment when she expressed disagreement with the hazing rituals of her university's College of Music.



Students: Please take note

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 29/06/2015

» The female reproductive system is illustrated by a cartoonish drawing of a girl, ovum and all. On her head, she is crowned with a brownish pea, which represents the pituitary gland. Aureola in screaming colour encircle her body with labels suggesting different hormones that run in the cycle. The title of the page reads: "It's a girl's story."



Fair sport

Muse, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 16/05/2015

» Nipaporn Saluphon first felt the shooting pain of a rattan ball smashing into her ankle when she was young. Soon after, she fell in love with sepak takraw, a sport native to Southeast Asia. Whenever a sepak takraw match aired on television, she would perch close to the screen, admiring the players and dreaming of becoming one.



Golden oldies

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 14/04/2015

» As well as being the month of Songkran, April also marks Thailand's National Day of the Elderly. Here, Life features two seniors who have found a way to stay strong and live well



Delivering the goods

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 23/03/2015

» Everyday, Montri Chantayingyong, 38, rides more than 100km around Bangkok. He doesn't ride his bicycle for leisure or to explore the city, though, Montri rides for a living. He is the founder of bicycle courier service Bikexenger, and works as a courier himself.



Employees: On your bikes

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 15/01/2015

» Bangkok is not bad at embracing special events observed around the world to raise awareness of a particular issue — be it Car-Free Day, World No Tobacco Day, Earth Day, to name only a few.



Finding his Voice

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 30/12/2014

» When Somsak Rinnaira posted on his Facebook page that he would save up money to go compete in The Voice, he was not totally serious. That was back in 2013 when Somsak was just a 21-year-old college student who worked part-time at a KFC branch in Chiang Rai.



The royal running man

Life, Duangphat Sitthipat, Published on 06/11/2014

» Sa-ing Harnpakhon, a 63-year-old man, has become the country's most beloved uncle after running 550km, from the northern province of Phrae to a self-imposed finish line at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, to wish His Majesty the King a speedy recovery from his illness.