Search Result for “clause”

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Swifties make pricey pilgrimage to Singapore

Published on 02/03/2024

» SINGAPORE - Charlyn Suizo is in Singapore this week for one reason only: Taylor Swift.



Hong Kong pulls plug on concert of popular singer-activist

Published on 01/09/2021

» HONG KONG: Canto-pop singer and political activist Denise Ho has been banned from performing next week at one of Hong Kong's top theatres, just days after a pro-Beijing newspaper accused her of taking part in anti-China activities.



David Attenborough's longtime field-recordings passion project

Life, John Clewley, Published on 27/11/2018

» Sir David Attenborough is famous for his natural-history TV series and documentaries. Life On Earth, Living Planet, The Life Of Birds, The Private Life Of Plants, Life In The Undergrowth and, most recently, Blue Planet have all been shown in many countries. His hushed, almost whispered narration to all these fascinating films is now part of the broadcasting ether.



Do rights matter in Thailand?

Life, Chris Baker, Published on 30/09/2013

» Fifteen years ago, "M.56" was spray-painted all over sites of environmental protest like a spell to ward off evil. The clause in the 1997 Constitution that guaranteed the rights of local communities over natural resources bore the number 56. This clause and the formation of the National Human Rights Commission raised great expectations that the authorities would no longer be able to use "development" and "national security" as justification for riding roughshod over local communities. That hope turned out to be somewhat forlorn.


James Bond villains are the heroes of new exhibit

AFP Relax News, Published on 20/11/2012

» Where would James Bond be without Dr.No, Goldfinger or the statuesque May Day? Agent 007 may be a hero, but in this new exhibit in the US capital the bad guys are the stars of the show.



Seeing Red

B Magazine, Published on 11/11/2012

» In the aftermath of his 2010 concept album `Libra Scale', Ne-Yo hopes to get back on top with `RED', his fifth studio album that sees a new maturity in the king of R&B while still offering plenty of quintessential smooth grooves