Search Result for “china north industries”

Showing 371 - 380 of 463


Northern SEZ slated for tea, saa paper

Business, Published on 09/09/2014

» The Industry Promotion Department has listed saa paper and tea as the first two industry clusters in the northern province of Chiang Rai to be promoted under the state's Special Economic Zones.


Asbestos pushed on Asia's poorest

Published on 12/08/2014

» VAISHALI, India – The executives mingled over tea and sugar cookies, and the chatter was upbeat. Their industry, they said at the conference in the Indian capital, saves lives and brings roofs, walls and pipes to some of the world's poorest people.


China’s steady presence

Asia focus, Published on 21/07/2014

» A pickup in China’s growth has fortified confidence the world’s second-biggest economy will avoid a precipitous slowdown as the past decade’s explosive growth decelerates to the 7% range.


Philippines to get new fighter jets

Associated Press, Published on 01/07/2014

» MANILA - The Philippine president said Tuesday his country's ill-equipped military will receive its first new fighter jets in nearly a decade next year to help defend the country's territory.


Determination down under

Asia focus, Umesh Pandey, Published on 26/05/2014

» It’s not unusual to be kept waiting for 30 minutes for a meeting with a high-profile politician. The time allows the visitor to think about the person he’s about to meet, and to review the things he’d like to discuss.


Transforming barriers into gateways

Spectrum, Published on 25/05/2014

» The Asean Economic Community that will be formed at the end of 2015 will benefit Thailand and nine other countries by creating more revenue from borderless trade within the region.


US files first charges on hacking, infuriating China

AFP, Published on 19/05/2014

» The United States on Monday charged five members of a shadowy Chinese military unit for allegedly hacking US companies for trade secrets, infuriating Beijing which suspended cooperation on cyber issues.


Why procurement needs an overhaul in Asia-Pacific

Business, Published on 09/04/2014

» Scratch an industry leader and you’ll find an iron-clad procurement operation. What companies such as Apple and Walmart have learned on the way to the top of their industries is that procurement leaders are cost leaders with a clear edge over rivals. Cost leaders can out-invest in innovation, capture share through price flexibility and quickly capitalise on new opportunities, all the while retaining margins.


Japan, Australia reach free trade deal

AFP, Published on 07/04/2014

» TOKYO - Japan and Australia on Monday said they had reached "substantive agreement" on a long-awaited free-trade deal, in a rare opening of Japan's protected markets, even as talks to ink a huge Asia-Pacific agreement run into trouble.


Nigeria becomes Africa's biggest economy

AFP, Published on 06/04/2014

» Nigeria on Sunday became Africa's biggest economy, leap-frogging South Africa, after the government announced a long-overdue rebasing of the country's gross domestic product.