Search Result for “china”

Showing 1 - 10 of 150


Nepal waives visa fees for Chinese citizens

dpa, Published on 27/12/2015

» KATHMANDUathmandu - Nepal will waive visa fees for Chinese citizens, in appreciation for assistance the neighbouring country has provided, particularly during a severe fuel shortage, authorities said on Sunday.


Landslide hits Myanmar jade mines

dpa, Published on 26/12/2015

» YANGON - As many as 50 people are feared dead after another landslide at gold and jade mines in northern Myanmar, a local official said on Saturday.


Chinese journalists suspended for typo

dpa, Published on 06/12/2015

» BEIJING - Four Chinese state-run news agency staff have been suspended for a typographical error suggesting President Xi Jinping had resigned, reports said on Sunday.



China makes South China Sea proposals, slams US 'provocation'

dpa, Published on 23/11/2015

» KUALA LUMPUR - Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang on Sunday put forward a five-point proposal to ease rising tensions in the South China Sea, even as Beijing admitted to building military facilities in the area.



AEC set to miss deadline for free-trade bloc

dpa, Published on 20/11/2015

» The Asean Economic Community was scheduled to set up a free-trade bloc by the end of 2015 to rival the European Union or the United States. But legislative foot-dragging and obstructive border practices have effectively prevented the free movement of goods, services and workers, with no chance to meet the deadline, experts say.


Death toll reaches 16 in China landslide

dpa, Published on 15/11/2015

» The death toll from a landslide in eastern China's Zhejiang Province reached 16, with 21 people still missing, state media reported on Sunday.



Rapprochement or sell-out? Taiwanese fear as presidents meet

dpa, Published on 05/11/2015

» There is a thin line between rapprochement and selling out. The first meeting between the presidents of China and Taiwan in six decades represents an historic breakthrough with the potential to reduce tensions between the two nations.



Hundreds in Taiwan protest Ma-Xi meeting

dpa, Published on 04/11/2015

» TAIPEI -- Hundreds of residents and students Wednesday protested outside Taiwan's parliament building, angry over a historic meeting planned between the leaders of Taiwan and China.



India PM reaches out to Africa

Business, dpa, Published on 02/11/2015

» New Delhi: Indian Premier Narendra Modi has announced US$600 million and a line of cut-price credit in development aid for Africa as he called for expanded trade, all part of an effort to limit China's influence on the continent.



Philippine death toll from Koppu jumps to 16

dpa, Published on 19/10/2015

» Residents of flooded farming villages in the Philippines were trapped on their rooftops on Monday and animals floated down fast-rising rivers, as the death toll from Typhoon Koppu climbed to 16.