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Fashionable Humans of MBL

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 27/01/2017

» Made By Legacy is known for being the ultimate playground for Bangkok's hipster population. Whether or not you buy into what this flea market/vintage showcase is selling, one thing we can all agree on is that it's a great event to spot characters and street fashion trends in their A-game. Here are just a few of our favourite interesting humans spotted at the recent eighth Made By Legacy.



Twice the Magic, Twice the Madness

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 06/01/2017

» Tada Piriyanupong, 26, is a Thai business arts major at ABAC who has lived most of his life in Dubai. Charles-Alexis Guenard, also studying at ABAC but in the faculty of communication arts, is a half-Thai and half-French 20-year-old who was born in France. Together, they form a charismatic magic duo known as "Charles The French and Tada" who perform all over the country in major hotels, shopping venues and occasionally on television. We had a chat with the pair and it was everything one could hope for in an interview — reeking with personality.



Gym hacks

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 09/12/2016

» Sorry (not sorry) fans of loud and colourful activewear, but trendy athletic wear is going back to the basics of moody tones, sharing aesthetics with practical fashion. To be honest, this has been a long time coming as mass fashion and design have been increasingly keen on cutting down frills. I mean just look at the iPhone 7. Who would have thought a few years ago that the sight of an earphone jack or even earphones themselves could be so unfashionable.



On-the-go greatness

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 23/09/2016

» If you can't live life with a bare face, you'll know that any beauty queen needs two sets of makeup at any given time: one extensive collection permanently mounted on the vanity and the spark-note version that can fit inside a cute little makeup purse. But how to condense your routine into something so small? We've got a few hot items that can help reduce the struggle for both storage and application for makeup-on-the-go.



Your Birkin's in good hands

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 16/09/2016

» Luxury bag owners and collectors will know too well the necessity of taking your Louis's and Chanels to "the spa" for a touch up, if not total repair. But do you recall that five years ago in Thailand, such service was virtually unheard of? You have Ranathon Pollachart to thank for establishing Thailand's first luxury bag spa, MyBagSpa. Now with five successful branches nationwide, we catch up with Ms Ranathon to learn about what's she's up to now, as well as receive a few tips and trends about designer bags from the stylish entrepreneur.


12 nights of European films

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 24/06/2016

» It's that time of year again. The time of year to get lost in European romance, tragedy, history, comedy and perhaps a little bit of all. If you've got the conviction and resources to catch all 17 films across 12 days, by all means carpe diem. But if you're looking for a little guidance in choosing screenings, here are our top five picks of the festival.



Inked for a week

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 24/06/2016

» What's left to talk about in style after clothes, accessories, hair and make-up, but skin? And we're not just after skincare, which takes ages to show subtle results, but something trendy you can do to your skin instantly, temporarily and harmlessly for some dramatic self-expression. The hot topic in style this week is sticker tattoos. The benefits of this form of peel-on skin décor are vast, ranging from deliberately annoying conservative folks to entertaining the idea of getting a real one. Whatever your motive, you gotta know what's out there, and that's where we come in. Guru reviews three local vendors for temporary tatts, all of which can be ordered via your phone.




Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 06/05/2016

» Things in life are seldom as simple as black and white. In most cases, this little fact of life is for the better, although not any easier. Fortunately, fashion doesn't have to be one of those things. A major trend this season involves ditching the colour spectrum and going for just black and white. Here are chic ways to sport the contrasting achromatic look for every occasion.



Native globish

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 08/04/2016

» Considering the number of micro-schools in Thailand for teaching English, and yet our notoriously low proficiency in the language, there is clearly a disconnect between what's on offer and what we need. An online-based start-up by the name of Globish Academia, however, is staunchly determined to break the stalemate. Having recently triumphed on the television show Tiger Wings, receiving a B3-million kickstart from Tan Passakornnatee of Ichitan and Paiboon Damrongchaitham of GMM Grammy, Globish Academia is an undeniable rising star in the tutoring school industry, because of an approach traditional educators may find unorthodox. We catch up with one of the founders, 25-year-old "Juice" Chuencheewan Wongsaeree, to talk about the new kind of English that could finally make a difference for this nation.