Search Result for “cases”

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The key to breathing easy

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 28/01/2020

» First, the number of coronavirus-infected cases in China was only 27 when first reported at the end of December. Then, only three days later, the number rose to 44, before hitting 59 two days after that.



The violinist whose bow is a sabre

Life, Harry Rolnick, Published on 23/11/2017

» Attention Insurance Companies: Boris Belkin is coming to Bangkok on Nov 28, and nothing anywhere in the path of his knife-sharp bow is safe. Not the Bangkok Concert Hall, not Michael Tilkin, the conductor of the Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra or any buildings in the area are liable to shake, rattle and roll.



Brahms, Schumann and a royal tribute

Life, Harry Rolnick, Published on 06/07/2017

» On July 15, the Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra will feature two giants of 19th century musical history and one world premiere tribute to Thailand's late monarch.



Loud paintings

Life, Kaona Pongpipat, Published on 13/01/2016

» Echoing the title of Paphonsak La-or's solo exhibition "Silent No More", his opening reception at Lyla Gallery in Chiang Mai on Boxing Day last year was buzzing with locals and those who had made the trip from Bangkok. Milling around, everyone in the exhibition room couldn't possibly have avoided the huge 7m-long centrepiece that comes with a shade of blue paint that is neither gloomy nor reassuring in the background. While there's a sentence in the middle, "This image is no longer available", the bottom text reads, "Love which was woven in our society leads to a great tragedy and sorrow".