Search Result for “case worker”

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Working from Home: physical distancing but social proximity

Christopher Bruton, Published on 31/03/2020

» During these times of crisis worldwide, there has been much talk of "social distancing". This term is regrettable, because the last thing one wants when situations are challenging and personal anxieties and tensions are acute, is social distancing. This is a time for closeness and communal solidarity. One needs to reach out to people, whether family, friends or working colleagues. The necessity is for physical distancing, but social proximity.



School drop-outs cut GDP growth

Christopher Bruton, Published on 26/02/2018

» The best educated nations are invariably the most prosperous. Among developing nations, those that have the best chances of sustainable growth to economic maturity are those where young people take the opportunity to complete the education cycle and can thereby enter advanced productive employment.



Solving skill shortages

Christopher Bruton, Published on 31/07/2017

» With the emphasis on "Thailand 4.0" and the concentration on the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), there is much concern that the government's ambitious plans may be frustrated by the inadequacy of sufficiently highly-skilled workforce, especially of technological specialists. There is also concern that the emphasis on the EEC may draw skilled technicians away from other parts of Thailand, resulting in a "three nation" economy: the highly technical EEC, the sophisticated Bangkok business economy, and the rest of Thailand, deprived of technical and business skills and, therefore, also of prosperous economic activity.



Workplace Cooperatives: a sound way to save

Christopher Bruton, Published on 13/12/2016

» Recently, we featured the pioneering work of iCare Benefits, a zero interest cost employee benefits program. This scheme now serves over 3.1 million workers in more than 1,300 factories in an increasing number of countries, including Thailand. However, even before iCare Benefits reached Thailand, there were already worker cooperatives undertaking savings schemes. These worker cooperatives now have the opportunity to work together with iCare Benefits, joining alongside factory managements and trade union local branches to provide cost-effective benefits for workers.



Remote location workers: issues, opportunities and risks

Christopher Bruton, Published on 28/11/2016

» In recent surveys of manpower requirements, a third of business leaders have indicated that they envisage that more than half of their full-time staff may be based and working outside their corporate premises by 2020. This could mean that one in five of all employees, as well as consultants and independent commission workers, may either never, or only rarely, come face-to-face with their immediate reporting supervisors. Many may hardly ever meet other members of their corporate community. This situation presents many physical and psychological risks that need to be resolved.



A worker benefit programme that really cares

Christopher Bruton, Published on 21/11/2016

» Many worker support programmes that are supposed to convey great benefits for employees often in fact do quite the opposite. No wonder, therefore, that schemes designed to offer a road to paradise for hard-pressed workers are often viewed with skepticism by employers and employees alike. However, with the advent of "iCare Benefits" to the Thailand market, there is, at last a truly viable, already internationally tested scheme that really does offer and deliver what it claims.