Search Result for “cars sold”

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Lord of the Jungle

Life, Smith Sutibut, Published on 30/07/2012

» Yesterday _ July 29 _ was Global Tiger Day, as designated by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). But how many people are aware of that, considering you only hear about tigers being hunted or trafficked, or only see them in zoos?


The lame blame game

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 06/07/2012

» We all have done something in the past we have not wanted to admit to, and then tried to come up with an excuse to avoid the blame. You might have said the dog ate your homework instead of admitting laziness to your teacher. Or maybe you told your parents the cigarette pack belonged to your friend, which was technically true since you both chipped in money to buy it. Or perhaps you blamed being late to work on a taxi driver taking you on a detour when you were actually up until 4am partying.



Making his influence Count

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 16/04/2012

» As a billionaire with a European title of nobility, Count Gerald van der Straten Ponthoz has the world at his feet. Having traversed the globe for years, a handful of coincidences brought the Belgian to Thailand a decade ago. Little did he know back then that moving to the Land of Smiles would be the start of a string of projects which he would help spearhead to equip tribal folk in the North with the educational know-how to a promising career path of their choice.



Ambassador at large

Life, Published on 09/02/2012

» He roams the streets of Bangkok and suburbs on his 3,000-horsepower motorbike. While posted in Vietnam he formed a rock band with himself as the guitarist. He was ambassador to Iraq for two years before moving to Bangkok last year. Mikael Hemniti Winther, Denmark's point man in Thailand, has a lifestyle that few would expect of a high-ranking diplomat.



Still bobbing and weaving

Life, L. Bruce Kekulé, Published on 30/01/2012

» As the sun starts its daily ascent from the eastern horizon, the early morning air is crisp and cool. It's November and not a single cloud is to be seen in the clear blue sky. Heavy dew blankets everything in Mae Lao-Mae Sae, a wildlife sanctuary situated in the northern province of Chiang Mai. Mist rises from the forest as the morning heat builds. The scent from pine trees, some hundreds of years old, is refreshing. A sea of fog covers the lowland valleys and the view from the mountaintop is truly breathtaking.



Digging in her heels

B Magazine, Published on 22/01/2012

» 'Was it hard to find? I hope the traffic wasn't too bad. Thank you for coming all the way here," says Pichayanund "Pring" Chindahporn as Brunch arrives at her parents' house tucked away in Bang Na. "Bangkok is fabulous but it suffocates me sometimes. In Paris, I chose not to commute and lived in a smaller apartment in the centre of town instead," she says before fetching iced water, while her maid appears with a tray of chocolate cake, tea and snacks.