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Get social

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 26/02/2021

» It's 2009. Barack Obama was sworn in as US president. Protesters are on the street (different protesters though, not like the ones protesting now). Your iPod contains hits like Boom Boom Pow, I'm Yours and even though you hide it, you also listen to that new blonde girl's song called Love Story because it's a bop. And then there's this new thing called Facebook that people seem to be using more and more. You don't know if you're willing to give up your pimped out Hi5 profile complete with a glittery background and a MP3 player loaded with Big Ass' Len Kaung Soong but you decide to give it a shot. More than 10 years and a number of privacy issues later, you're still using Facebook along with a number of other social networking apps, but perhaps you may be looking for other ways to build a community and meet new people. Perhaps you want to meet like-minded people like you who share you love for entrepreneurship or memes, and maybe you even want to get on platforms that will actually make you some dough. Facebook isn't your only avenue. We've got you sorted on where else you can build or find a community that's right for you.



Sizzling tales

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 24/03/2017

» The summer's heat can make us do some ridiculous things. Just recently, a French woman was found running around naked near Khaosan road, complaining it was too hot. Granted, authorities said she was mentally ill, but admittedly, we know exactly how she feels. Although we would never run around butt-naked through Bangkok's streets, we've had our fair share of ridiculousness when it comes to the Thai summer. We've gone to great lengths to relieve ourselves from the heat and had some pretty unforgettable moments in the process. This week, we decided to ask you to share your experiences with us. You certainly didn't disappoint.