Search Result for “cancer”

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Life, death and life again

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 18/09/2020

» If you suddenly learnt that your infant suffered from brain cancer with zero chances of survival, what would you do? A few years ago, two-year-old Einz lost the cancer battle and her family's story went viral after they decided to cryogenically preserve Einz.



Mindful giving

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 29/11/2019

» We're about to enter the holiday season and that means one thing: shopping. For some, this may be exciting as you're probably already a gift-buying/giving expert, knowing what specific thing you're going to get each person in your life and budgeting it really well. For others, you may just buy random gifts regardless of who's going to receive it because it's the thought that counts, right? And finally, there may be some of you who are freaking out because you have no idea what to give or where to start. If you're one of the latter two, Guru has come to your rescue and created a list to give you some ideas.... and relief. Not only do these make excellent gifts, they also contribute a little something more whether it be for the environment or for a great cause. Here are gifts that keep on giving.



Lend a hand

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 15/03/2019

» In a world where everything seems bleak, we try our best to find some sort of escape. Whether or not this is simply denial of reality is something we won't delve into (we're Guru, we don't do existential crises). But with the stress of the real world and our quest to discover things that would temporary alleviate what we feel, we seldom ask the question, "What can I do to make the world a little better?." It may seem cliché but there are a number of little things you can do and it's not all about volunteering in a dense forests where you have to sleep in rickety tents with no toilets (shudder) all for the sake of saving Mother Earth. There are simple things like buying something online, adopting a doggo or even go shopping that can help a cause. This week, we've got some causes that you can get behind.



Taxi tales

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 23/02/2018

» Ah, taxis. Can't live with them, can't live without them. Unless you live along the skytrain or subway station or you have the capacity and willpower to survive riding a bus, then taxis are the vein of your existence in terms of transportation. Sure, there are alternatives now like Grab and Uber (legality undetermined but hey, this is Bangkok), but for the longest time before those apps came to save us, we depended on good ol' taxis. Knowing that, we thought that each of us probably had a few interesting taxi rides and we decided to ask you to send us some of yours. You didn't disappoint. Here are some of our favourite Taxi Tales sent in by you.