Search Result for “campaign rally”

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DeSantis ends 2024 presidential campaign, endorses Trump

Reuters, Published on 22/01/2024

» WASHINGTON - Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ended his fading presidential campaign on Sunday and endorsed Donald Trump just two days before the pivotal New Hampshire primary, leaving former UN ambassador Nikki Haley as Trump's last long-shot challenger for the Republican nomination.



Trump hits back at Biden, slams Haley in trip to Iowa

Reuters, Published on 06/01/2024

» SIOUX CENTER, Iowa - Former United States president Donald Trump used his first visit to Iowa this year to attack Republican competitor Nikki Haley and to hit back against Democratic President Joe Biden, who denounced him as a threat to American democracy earlier on Friday.



Deepfakes deceive voters from India to Indonesia before polls

Reuters, Published on 03/01/2024

» LONDON - Divyendra Singh Jadoun was busy making artificial intelligence-based visual effects and voice clones for film and television in India, when he began getting calls from politicians: could he create AI videos, or deepfakes, for their election campaign?



Hun Sen to bar vote boycotters from running in future polls

Reuters, Published on 13/06/2023

» PHNOM PENH: Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has ordered an election law be amended to penalise anyone who boycotts next month's poll, which critics have said will be a sham because of the premier's moves to stamp out all opposition.



Myanmar force arrests anti-coup leader

Reuters, Published on 15/04/2021

» Myanmar security forces arrested on Thursday one of the main leaders of the campaign against military rule after ramming him with a car as he led a motorbike protest rally, friends and colleagues said.



Myanmar protesters defy military as internet curbs test resolve

Reuters, Published on 05/04/2021

» Demonstrators in Myanmar held protests demanding the restoration of Aung San Suu Kyi government on Monday and called for more coordinated nationwide dissent, defying the military's moves to suppress attempts to rally opposition to its two-month rule.



Supporters of Myanmar coup attack rival in Yangon

Reuters, Published on 25/02/2021

» Some armed with knives and clubs, others firing slingshot and throwing stones, supporters of Myanmar's military attacked opponents of the coup in downtown Yangon on Thursday, while Southeast Asian governments groped for ways to end the crisis.


Hundreds rally in Taiwan for release of 12 HK people arrested by China

Reuters, Published on 25/10/2020

» TAIPEI: Hundreds of people rallied in Taiwan's capital on Sunday to call for China to release 12 Hong Kong people arrested at sea by mainland authorities in part of a global campaign to support the pro-democracy movement in the financial hub.



Trump, wife entering quarantine after aide tests positive for coronavirus

Reuters, Published on 02/10/2020

» WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump said on Thursday he and first lady Melania would go into quarantine as they await test results after an aide had tested positive for the new coronavirus.



Loyalists rally for Suu Kyi genocide trial

Reuters, Published on 02/12/2019

» YANGON: As Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi prepares to travel to the Netherlands to fight charges of genocide against her country at the International Court of Justice, her supporters have embarked on an impassioned publicity campaign.