Search Result for “business review”

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Succession planning and CEO accountability

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 27/10/2023

» Succession planning is one of the most important action points on which boards and top executives have to focus. Most organisations usually say they already have a plan in place, but as we are aware, the devil is in the details.



A chairman who walks the talk

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 04/11/2022

» 'In order to effectively drive an organisation, three critical principles should be properly managed: a challenging strategy, effective execution and strong managerial capabilities," says Dr Chaiwat Wiboonsawat, a former chairman of the board of the Stock Exchange of Thailand.



Moving forward from work from home

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 02/09/2020

» Imagine if someone had asked you, late last year, what it would be like if everyone was allowed to work from home, the office would be closed and there would be no face-to-face communication. "Impossible," you probably would have said.


'Business and the Buddha': A book review

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 18/05/2017

» Business and the Buddha: Doing Well by Doing Good is one of a handful of books that directly address the application of Buddhism to the current business environment and management in particular. The book is written by Lloyd Field, who provides coaching and counselling to senior executives seeking to solve business problems through a Buddhist-influenced approach. His consulting practice has spanned some 30 years since he left Johnson & Johnson International where he was vice-president of human resources.


Take a closer look at diversity

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 23/03/2017

» Society is more complex than it used to be, which has allowed us to enjoy new and exciting experiences. The bad news is that change and complexity have become a never-ending phenomenon. We therefore have to face and handle changing conditions, which includes dealing with constantly moving business targets.


The most critical resource: 'not-so-talented' people

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 15/12/2016

» Competition among businesses today is very high compared with a decade or so ago. The convergence of information technology and telecommunications has been a major driver of this phenomenon. As organisations embrace new technology and management practices, they find themselves dealing with new types of workers and top managers. Some are struggling to identify and groom rising stars in this new context. Luckily for them, there are a number of tools and procedures that have proved useful in identifying talent for future top management.


Handling talented but difficult people

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 03/11/2016

» In any team, it is typical to have one person who moves faster than the others and one who always lags behind. This usually causes no harm to team performance unless the "faster" one tends to take control even if he or she is not an official leader of the team. On the other hand, it will be troublesome if there are too many slow movers.


Choosing the right tools for the right successor

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 22/09/2016

» In my article two weeks ago I discussed three steps for developing and sustaining a successful talent programme: creating a succession plan policy, identifying talent, and establishing a development programme. Today I would like to focus mainly on identifying talent, a subject on which many top executives sometimes have conflicting views.


Three simple steps towards an effective talent programme

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 08/09/2016

» Imagine that you are the CEO of an organisation. Besides business performance, you have to take care of many important people issues, and succession planning for important positions is second to none in this respect. What most top executives and board members often forget or ignore is the importance of participation from all related parties. Everyone wants to have a say in this crucial process. As a CEO, it is your duty to ensure that all the executives concerned are involved.


A practical path towards ethical leadership (Part 1)

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 14/07/2016

» When I was in primary and secondary school, we had two courses related to morality and ethics -- the duty of the citizen and Buddhism. So it always surprises me when I hear someone talk about "ethical leadership", since I have always believed that ethics is the key element in leadership right from the start.