Search Result for “business review”

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In-class games

Learningpost, Timothy Cornwall, PHD, DTM, Published on 29/06/2010

» If students are asked what they want to do in class, invariably they will suggest playing games, listening to music and watching movies.


UTCC boosts IT skills

Learningpost, Purich Trivitayakhun, Published on 04/05/2010

» The University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) joined forces with Hewlett-Packard (Thailand) (HP) and Metro Systems Corp to promote the UTCC Hybrid Learning (hybrid learning) system in advance of the upcoming semester. The system aims to help students master IT skills and to move UTCC closer to its goal of becoming a full-fledged cyber university.


Real-time feedback

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 06/04/2010

» One of the major weaknesses of teaching is often the lack of time during instruction to effectively check how well students are learning the lesson being taught. Hence, a teacher could teach a lesson for a full period and not know how much learning had taken place.


Phrases for appraising a firm's financial status

Learningpost, Thomas Tuohy, Published on 09/03/2010

» With the world of business currently undergoing radical changes, there is an increasing need to be able to quickly evaluate the financial state of a company.


Classroom procedures

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 19/01/2010

» Teaching entails preparing and delivering course content, as well as setting up and sustaining the effective context for learning. While the former is easily accomplished, the latter can cause significant stress.