Search Result for “business decisions”

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Yuan’s slump puts Asia’s rate-cutting central banks on alert

Published on 05/08/2019

» China’s decision to weaken its currency amid an escalating trade war will put Asian central banks on the defensive as they gauge how much monetary-policy easing their economies can withstand.


Syria and Trump-Xi talks keep investors on sidelines

Business, Published on 10/04/2017

» Recap: Markets were rattled late last week after US cruise missiles struck a Syrian air base, while global investors moved to the sidelines pending the outcome of talks between US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Safe-haven assets such as the yen and gold soared and oil prices also surged. The formal promulgation of the country's 20th constitution, ensuring an election sometime late next year, helped keep the Thai stock market in a rangebound trade.


Baht climbs, bonds steady

Published on 13/06/2012

» Thailand's baht advanced as regional data released on Wednesday bolstered confidence Asian economies will sustain growth amid Europe's debt crisis. Government bonds were steady.