Search Result for “boy band”

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Poor Barbie... Oppenheimer's the bomb

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 08/03/2024

» The annual guessing game to read the minds of inscrutable Oscars voters is here.



Coldplay across the universe

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 07/02/2024

» The latest Coldplay concert in Bangkok was a feat of photogenic spectacles designed to bedazzle, complete with light-blinking wristbands, sci-fi-warped animation on spherical screens, balloons in the shape of planets and exploding fireworks above the roof of Rajamangala National Stadium ("The football field not often used to play football on," as a Thai national squad member noted.)



View from the Far South

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 06/12/2019

» Young men lie face-down on the floor, their hands tied at the back. Uniformed officers punch and kick them. "Squeeze in!" they shout at the men on the ground. More kicks, more punches.



An imperfect world

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 21/05/2019

» Even on the ground at the Cannes Film Festival, what people seemed to be anticipating most on Monday was, well, the final episode of Game Of Thrones. No, it wasn't being shown at the festival (how unbecoming that would be), but isn't it a sign of our times that a TV episode has the Valyrian-steel nerve to dominate global discussion and upstage the world's biggest film showcase?



Saint and sensibility

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 16/05/2019

» A Christian fable or a Marxist allegory? A magical-realist myth or a political cry against neoliberalism (or feudalism, which produces the same catastrophe anyway)?



A new vision on Siam's enduring symbol

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 26/04/2017

» The elephant and the man, walking down the road to redemption and encountering the wounded and the marginalised, the madmen and the prostitutes. In the film Pop Aye, which will kick off Bangkok Asean Film Festival 2017 this evening (see sidebar), the fine-tusked beast accompanies the lost soul as the duo find their way home from Bangkok to the Northeast.



A night to remember, a night for remembering

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 21/03/2017

» This isn't a trip dripping with nostalgia. This is an arcade of fire, of mainstream grunge, power chords and roaring vocals, of soul-refeshing ballads and eye-opening musicianship, and it all sounds as relevant, as transformative, as ever.



Our best films of the year

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 22/12/2016

» As usual we have two lists, for titles released in local cinemas and the wider universe of world films shown elsewhere (and hopefully coming to our screens soon).



The non-Hollywood contenders

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 09/12/2016

» Thailand has submitted the monk drama Arpatti to compete with 84 other countries in the Oscar race for best foreign-language film. Here we look at some highlights from around the world before the nominations are announced on Jan 24.



In the eye of the storm

Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 30/09/2016

» The photograph is brutal because the reality is brutal.