Search Result for “book hotel rooms”

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A city getaway

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 15/10/2021

» Travelling to a nearby province for a beach or a tranquil mountain stay is great, but just staying in the city offers as much as all the trappings of a getaway. Maybe you just want to stay within the confines of the hotel to relax and enjoy what they have to offer rather than go out exploring while huffing in a mask. If a wonderful city staycation is what you're after then Centara Grand at CentralWorld's "The Place to Be" package has pretty much everything you need.



The other WFH

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 29/01/2021

» The light at the end of the proverbial tunnel seems to grow brighter and brighter each day as Covid cases begin to somewhat falter and vaccinations are set to soon begin. But as we look forward to the day when we can finally and truly put all of this behind us, we're not entirely out of the woods yet. That means we're still facing a few more days of enduring working from home just to be safe. That might be great news for some, but for others who are sick of the same desk, same chair and same four walls, fear not. If you're looking for a change of work scenery, these hotels in Bangkok and nearby provinces are offering their rooms so you can WFH or "Work From Hotel".



Run for the mountains

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 04/12/2020

» Back when tourism was still a thing and people travelled from abroad, the most popular destinations were the many beaches of Thailand.



Budget getaway

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 25/09/2020

» Luxurious resorts with magnificent suites, top-class amenities and great restaurants definitely result in a great vacation/getaway. The thing is, it comes with a price, and the price can be a little bit steep. It can be challenging to find a place you can stay to relax and unwind and not hurt your wallet too much, but if a budget getaway is what you're after that caters to the enjoyment of kids and adults, Centra by Centara Cha-Am Beach Resort Hua Hin is a great option that's not too far nor too expensive.



Hakuna Matata

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 23/08/2019

» Phuket has long been a beach getaway for locals and tourists, and for good reason. Especially if you're a Bangkokian like me, who can resist a quick weekend getaway complete with great sights, mouth-watering food and fantastic beaches -- all of which can be reached within an hour's flight? Of course, while Phuket is a great destination, there's more aspects to a great trip that have to be planned out and that could be a little stressful. Soon enough, you'll find yourself having a headache just trying to sort out details for a vacay and once you finally do go on the trip, you start wondering whether all that stress (and the money you spent, which made your bank account run dry) was even worth it. Vacays and getaways should be stress-free, enjoyable and despite being perhaps a little pricey, still worth every single dime you spend. Enter Twinpalms MontAzure, your next beach destination. Seriously, this is your next vacay. It's not a suggestion and you'll see why.



A summer of fun

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 05/04/2019

» Summer is here -- like that's not at all obvious. As the heat bears down on all of us Bangkokians, the temptation to simply spend these hellish days locked up in our rooms with the AC turned high (or is it low? You get what I mean) while we cuddle in our blankets and binge hours and hours on end of Netflix shows is strong. But that doesn't have to be the case. There's still a bunch of enjoyable things to do around the city despite the heat. In fact, they're not only fun, but they're perfect things to during the summer time. So stop being a lazy bum, get off that couch and outta the house, and don't worry, you can still have your ice cream. Here's a few summer activities to get you up and going during this heatwave.



The great outdoors

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 09/11/2018

» If you have felt the crisp, cool Bangkok mornings, then you're probably aware that the cool season is about to kick-off. While we may not have four seasons in Thailand, we definitely have camping season. The slightly lowered temperatures means this is the perfect time to spend a few days in the mountains surrounded by nature instead of skyscrapers. The word "camping" may give rise to a few assumptions -- roughing it out in the wild, having to rely on your wits and limited resources, being out in the open with the possibility of dangerous animals lurking about, sleeping in a tiny cramped tent, and worse of all, having to go to the "toilet" in a hole in the ground. But it's 2018 and there ways to go camping without having to suffer such discomfort.



Final curtain call

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 09/11/2018

» For nearly 50 years, the Dusit Thani Bangkok has welcomed the likes of royalty, dignitaries, celebrities and common folk. From the late US president Ronald Reagan to singer Enrique Iglesias to an inconsequential magazine writer like me, the hotel has had a rich history. But despite its age, it's looking good and isn't slowing down at all, even if it is closing its doors in early January. Sure, it's only temporary but it's closing for a pretty sizeable amount of time -- at least three and a half years. However, does that mean there's nothing at the Dusit Thani except for weathered walls, an aged building and an establishment that's on its way out? Nothing could be farther from the truth.



Local luxury

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 07/09/2018

» Whenever you think of beach getaways, you probably think of places like Bali, Hawaii or if you've got the dough, the Caribbean or Maldives. Basically, anywhere but somewhere local. But why does going somewhere local have to be a bad thing? Is it because there's this mindset that just going local is not glamorous enough? Don't get me wrong, there's no problem with a beach getaway abroad, but it's only glam if you've got the bucks for it. I humbly suggest an alternative: why not just spend the same amount of money you would on an OK beach vacay in another country on a luxurious beach getaway in Phuket?



Historic stays

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 18/05/2018

» New hotels popping up around the city are a common sight in Bangkok. It's a delight to see that tourism isn't slowing down and that the city is being modernised more and more each day. The downside is that the essence and spirit of old Bangkok may be forgotten amid the urbanisation. However, there are a few who choose to not only preserve the old culture of the city, but also share it with people from out of town. We've got four hotels with rich histories you could check in at for a different experience.