Search Result for “boat people”

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Don't @ Her

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 12/04/2020

» As an artist/producer, Arca's always fixed her attention on the negative space between each cavernous, distorted beat.



Remember her name

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 07/10/2018

» "Maybe this the album you listen to in your car/ When you driving home late at night/ Really questioning every god, religion, Kanye, bitches" Noname knowingly begins in the opening salvo of Self. And when she continues to quip, "The baby ain't really yours, this really for babies teething/ And chicken wings under-seasoned/ Y'all really thought a bitch couldn't rap huh? Maybe this your answer for that," the tone for her second studio outing, Room 25, is officially set.



Low's Highest Highs

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 30/09/2018

» Over the past two decades, not only have Minnesota's indie rockers Low carved out their own signature soundscape, they've also thrived in it. Their sound, largely existing in the slowcore territory, has a quiet way of sneaking up on the listener despite its surface minimalism. Now, after 11 fantastic albums under the collective belt, the threesome of Alan Sparhawk, Mimi Parker and Steve Garrington return with Double Negative, the band's 12th studio effort that also marks their 25th year in the business.



The long and short of it

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 01/04/2018

» 'Go wait under the mango tree over there. You can't miss it," the man pointed to his right after we asked him where we could catch a songthaew to Tha Lane pier. His terse reply reminded us that we were, indeed, in the south of Thailand where men wear their sternness proudly like a prized amulet.



La Vie En Rose

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 06/08/2017

» Amid the dusty Americana iconography and unshakable gloom, Lana Del Rey's fourth album manages to be her most optimistic output yet.



A Room of One's Own

B Magazine, Chanun Poomsawai, Published on 10/07/2016

» The UK singer's moving sophomore album goes beyond her retro soul roots.