Search Result for “black market”

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Bean there, Done that: Bangkok's best cafes

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 17/03/2013

» Bangkok's coffee houses offer more than just an air-conditioned escape from the overheated rigours of life in the capital. They are human petrol stations _ places to refuel, snack and reorder the mind amid the chaos. Coffee houses also serve as surrogate offices or libraries, places to meet business clients, study for exams or polish off a book. And, yes, the air-conditioning doesn't hurt either.



For luxury goods maker, Thailand has it all stitched up

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 18/11/2012

» Maison Takuya _ the name gives nothing away as to the brand's origins, nor do the products, a range of leather bags, wallets and phone and gadget cases found in iStudio outlets and high-end shops around the world. The designs come in strong colours layered on minimalist patterns, with little in the way of buckles, labels or embellishments but a strong focus on the quality of the leather used and a highly refined hand craftsmanship.


It's time to meet the neighbours

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 15/07/2012

» It vies for the title of most photogenic country on earth. Bigger than Thailand, with a similar size population, Myanmar has through years of international financial sanctions fallen behind the rest of the region in terms of influence and standing, with a military government that didn't tolerate threats to its authority. Nevertheless it has some of the region's most variegated scenery _ from mountain trekking to pristine beaches _ stunning temples and sites, delicious food, and the great sincerity and beauty of its people.


Going deep into the waterways of life

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 01/07/2012

» Visitors to Bangkok 100 years ago described a city of tree-lined canals and floating markets, of languid ferry drivers taking people around town. In a modern age of choking traffic, concrete high-rises and hectic urban life, such images of the past are still layered with nostalgia.


Keeping an eye on global affairs

B Magazine, Ezra Kyrill Erker, Published on 05/02/2012

» Anna Coren is an anchor and correspondent for CNN International, and hosts World Report, broadcast live every weekday from CNN's Asia-Pacific headquarters in Hong Kong. Although she made a name for herself in "tabloid" television in Australia, she is now the regional face of the international 24-hour news network. She reported on last year's red shirt riots, has interviewed former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva among a host of world leaders and was in Bangkok at the end of last year for a week of "Eye on Thailand" programming.