Search Result for “better manage”

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Leading with purpose

Asia focus, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 06/07/2020

» The longstanding relationship between Thailand and Germany has been marked by numerous cooperation efforts that have been fundamental to advancing the kingdom's economic development. The German government development agency GIZ has been among the driving forces behind this fruitful relationship.



Identity defender

Asia focus, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 08/06/2020

» In today's deeply interconnected world, protecting our identity is a growing cause for concern. Everything we use to prove who we are, from ID cards and passports to access cards at our workplaces, is underpinned by a lot of impressive technology. But bad actors with equally impressive hacking skills are always lurking in the background, ready to compromise the latest advances in security.



Sun, sand and sustainability

Asia focus, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 18/05/2020

» Mention the Maldives to most people and they will think of idyllic luxury resorts built over brilliant aquamarine waters. But it wasn't always so.



Lofty goals elusive

Asia focus, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 11/05/2020

» At the close of the last millennium, leaders from around the globe gathered at the United Nations to endorse the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) -- an agenda to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women. They agreed to achieve the eight goals by 2015.



The future of work

Asia focus, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 06/04/2020

» Co-working was a little-known concept when JustCo began developing innovative office spaces nine years ago in Singapore. But now it's here to stay, says Kong Wan Long, who is on a mission to make his company a global player in the field alongside the likes of IWC and WeWork.



How schools fail special needs kids

Spectrum, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 13/05/2018

» The misdiagnosis of a learning disability (LD) can harm the self-esteem of students seeking to fit in with their peers, while those with real learning difficulties continue to struggle to get the treatment that they need.



Investors eyed for green growth

News, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 02/02/2018

» The new five-year Environment Agenda focusing on filling investment gaps for green growth in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), has been endorsed by environment ministers from the subregion.