Search Result for “better manage”

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Keywords that reveal people's personalities and help with recruitment decisions

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 03/08/2017

» Mahatma Gandhi once said: "Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny." If you want to find out more about people's core beliefs and thoughts, pay close attention to the words they use regularly.


Picturing 'The Beginner's Guide to Innovation'

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 11/05/2017

» Happy anniversary, Creativity Un-Limited! It's been 10 years since this column first appeared in the Bangkok Post. Over the last decade, I've produced 257 articles on business creativity and innovation, totalling 240,000 words or enough for six books. So when my US business partner asked me if I could write an "airport" business book that provides an overview of core innovation concepts in an easy-to-read style, I thought: "That's easy. I already have all the content."


The Yin of creativity: for happy, hard-working staff

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 02/03/2017

» 'How can we make our organisation more creative? And please, keep it simple," a client interested in creativity training for some Asian senior executives asked me.



Why death is the unlikely ally of creation

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 10/11/2016

» The email is titled "2017 Creative Mornings Themes" and opens with the question: "Interested in talking about one topic as a keynote speaker?" I go through the list of themes: mystery, moments, taboo, beyond, serendipity, survival, equality, genius, compassion, pioneer, death, and context. Instantly, I am attracted to "genius". After all, reconnecting with our inner genius is what Thinkergy's creative Genius Journey leadership method is all about.


Managing people better by relating to their personal styles

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 07/07/2016

» Managing people in the modern globalised workplace is like herding cats. Managers need to effectively relate to people's unique personal styles and to different cultural, educational and generational backgrounds. That's easier said than done. But what if there were a tool to help managers better understand the individual styles of their team members?