Search Result for “behaviours”

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Sweet sounds of success

Learningpost, Published on 18/05/2010

» The custom-made black uniforms with silver and red-glitter sashes and French cuffs were crisply pressed; every shoe was polished to a glean, toes straight and forward, stomachs in, heads up, shoulders back, backs straight, hearts full of pride and faces full of smiles ... .


More than meets the eye

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 09/03/2010

» One may express amusement at the thought of the existence of a true correlation between physical appearance and/or demeanour and a student's academic achievement. While it lacks sufficient empirical evidence, the claim may hold some truth. Good-looking students do perform better at school, and conversely, students who underperform are often untidy and "poorly maintained".



Somwung opens up on enhancing teacher quality

Learningpost, Published on 19/01/2010

» 'Quality of education is the only thing that is going to move Thailand to a better position,'' said Prof Emeritus Somwung Pitiyanuwat, PhD. Before leaving his position as acting director of the Office for National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (Onesqa), he gave an exclusive interview to ''Education'' on his vision on improving the quality of teachers in Thailand. Below are edited excerpts.


Classroom procedures

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 19/01/2010

» Teaching entails preparing and delivering course content, as well as setting up and sustaining the effective context for learning. While the former is easily accomplished, the latter can cause significant stress.


Why teach with heart?

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 12/01/2010

» Surveys done by educational researchers in the field of social-emotional well-being indicate that students want to succeed at school.