Search Result for “bangkok of thailand”

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Playing the odds in VEGAS

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 27/06/2010

» There's barely a week to go before returning to Thailand, and I'm pulling out all stops to cram in as much as I can into my time left here in the United States. One of those activities includes a whirlwind trip to Las Vegas.



Losing weight & Being lost for words

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 13/06/2010

» Los Angeles International Airport. That's where your weekly correspondent is seated at present, at Gate 46A, waiting amid the myriad Americans for my flight to Washington DC. And I am thinking about weight loss.



The clothes horse is in clover

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 06/06/2010

» Just arrived back from a clothes shopping trip in Los Angeles. Hardly justification for a column, I know, but bear with me. Things get a little more deep and meaningful as we progress.



Edible kitty litter, Viagra & Odourless cat's urine

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 30/05/2010

» One of the first things I become expert at whenever I visit the United States is its television. I have no choice in the matter. Over here in the States I'm awake when I'm asleep in Bangkok, and jetlag thus hits me like a Northeastern truck driver on methamphetamines.



Breaking News!

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 23/05/2010

» Back in 1989 I was a journalist working for a daily newspaper in Australia, and one of the very last assignments I had before embarking on my trip to Thailand was one of the toughest. Through a few contacts, and my reputation for being a fair journalist (this was a long time ago, remember), I interviewed a group of paedophiles who met once a week in an anonymous suburban house.



Who knows what the future brings?

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 16/05/2010

» I was interested to read the news of well known fortune teller Mor Krit's sentencing to six months in prison for making a very, very wrong prediction. It's a story far bigger in the Thai press than in the English one.



Oh my God!

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 09/05/2010

» In the Obituaries column of the stalwart Tribune newspaper this week, we learn of an elderly gentleman who finally shook off his mortal made-in-California coil. The very first paragraph reads thus: "Maynard Oscar Kirkland, 90, entered heavens gates in the early morning hours of Tuesday, April 27, 2010."



Native tongue twisters

Andrew Biggs, Published on 02/05/2010

» All around my Los Angeles neighbourhood are hand-written signs tacked onto lofty palm trees: ``ACCENT ELIMINATION''. The two words are followed by a local telephone number, which to my surprise doesn't begin with 555. Accent Elimination _ how intriguing.



Hooray for... Hancock park

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 25/04/2010

» You know, back when I was living in Bangkok I was a pretty modest kind of guy. I know that sounds like I've been living here in Los Angeles for an eternity, as opposed to 14 nights, but I can tell you I've changed.



Unplugged in Gadget Mad LA

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 18/04/2010

» America has gone iPad crazy. I know. I'm here witnessing it first-hand. No clever observances about Thai life this week. It's hard to write a breezy column about the nuances and idiosyncrasies of Thai life when the country is descending into anarchy and mob rule.