Search Result for “bangkok of thailand”

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Humans unabashedly steal secrets from animals

Learningpost, David Canavan, Published on 29/06/2010

» There is no doubt that humans are incredible designers, architects and builders. From the Taj Mahal to the new Burj Khalifa, to the Airbus A380 to nuclear submarines, Homo sapiens are incredible. But many of our technologies were either inspired by or simply stolen from animals. In many circumstances, animals are aeons ahead of us in the building and design world.




Learningpost, David Canavan, Published on 01/06/2010

» There are places we can go on this planet where we are not the dominant species or top predator, places where only brave men dare to venture and places where humans actually, and actively, get preyed upon. To be eaten alive, I think, would be the worst way to die, yet it happens to people every year, eaten alive by a few select animals. Let me introduce you to the maneaters.



'Garbage Island': Lost at sea

Learningpost, David Canavan, Published on 23/03/2010

» Have you ever wondered where the litter you dispose of every day goes? Certainly much of it goes into waste sites and, sadly, precious little is recycled, but a large amount makes it to the oceans.


Trees are simply amazing

Learningpost, David Canavan, Published on 09/03/2010

» Many trees are sacred to Thais, and I can understand why. You may not give them a second thought, or you may admire their majesty with just a passing glance, but in reality, trees are extremely complex, diverse and very special living organisms.



No emissions? No waste? No way!

Learningpost, David Canavan, Published on 19/01/2010

» Continuing on the green theme from the last two articles, I have decided to write an article on what I consider to be the future of living and how modern-day buildings can be adapted to become more environmentally friendly.


It's not easy being green!

Learningpost, David Canavan, Published on 12/01/2010

» Kermit the Frog from the "Muppet Show" once sang a song entitled It's Not Easy Being Green, but I bet he didn't know how prophetic that statement would become!