Search Result for “bangkok”

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A fond farewell

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 05/10/2015

» 'The most brilliant mystery writer of our time" (Patricia Cornwell's estimation) passed away this year. British author Ruth Rendell published her first best-seller in 1964 and penned a thriller yearly ever since. She was the narrator, her characters having their say.



Rather clever solutions

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 22/06/2015

» While the jewelled isles don't lack for crimes, a plethora of police stories is set in England. Can you name a police inspector, chief inspector, superintendent from Wales or Ireland? Scotland has Ian Rankin's Police Detective Inspector John Rebus.



Lose the poetry

Life, Published on 15/06/2015

» The statistical argument invariably put forward by the gun lobby is that far more people die from mistaken medical treatment than from accidental shootings. To be sure, the proficiency of doctors often leaves much to be desired.



A new crime series

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 01/06/2015

» Time was when James Patterson penned a crime novel annually. Then semi-annually. Then seasonally. At the rate this reviewer is now receiving them, they seem to be coming out weekly. No sooner do I critique one than the next crosses my desk. Alone and with his team of co-authors, he's clearly on a roll.



To protect and serve?

Life, Published on 25/05/2015

» Civilisation came about when people put away their clubs, picked up their hoes and left protection and order to those paid to enforce it. Marshals and sheriffs tamed the Wild West by jailing or killing lawbreakers. Robert Peel showed how urban police forces ought to be organised and properly run.



Police racism

Life, Published on 20/04/2015

» Racism is as old as recorded history, quite possibly older. My god is better than your god. My colour is better than your colour. Difference resulting in sanguinary wars without solution. The sensible live and let live is rejected out of hand by believers on all sides. Either the true path or death.



For horse lovers

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 16/03/2015

» Do you believe in coincidence? I do, because it has happened to me on occasion and there's no other likely explanation. Yet there are those who don't, and statistics have been made to show that there's a mathematical probability of such events occurring. But can't statistics prove just about anything?



Mighty Egypt

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 02/03/2015

» Octogenarian Wilbur Smith, African born and bred, has been penning African-set novels for more than half his life. He has no rivals — his own critics label him the top historical adventure author in the business.


Hitting the rich

Life, Published on 22/12/2014

» We like to think that the more we learn the better. Information is power. Yet this isn't altogether true. There are facts we'd rather not know, and that irritate us when we come across them, particularly when shoved under our noses. The main one being the chasm between the haves and the have-nots. It's their own fault. We work for a living. Why don't they?