Search Result for “bangkok”

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Prachaub Governor Serious about Traffic Problem

Published on 05/09/2013

» The governor of Prachuab Khirikhan, along with the deputy governor, has lately called for a meeting with a committee on traffic problem solution in Hua Hin, staff of the Hua Hin railway, traffic police, tourist police and the media to discuss about urgent plans to solve traffic problems in Hua Hin.


Drunken Russian breaks baht bus windscreen

Published on 05/09/2013

» Unable to name his destination, a Russian tourist flared up and broke the windshield of a baht bus. The driver, Surachai, said the Russian flagged down the songthaew on Second Road, and climbed in back. After riding for about a kilometer, Surachai stopped and asked where the passenger was going. The tourist appeared drunk and became angry enough to slam his elbow into the windscreen. When police arrived at the scene they were unable to communicate with the Russian. The Russian was taken to the police station, then left and went to sleep outside the Montien Hotel. He will be rearrested when the booze wears off and a translator is available.


New attack on nominee loopholes

Published on 05/09/2013

» The office of the Ombudsman is seeking new legislation to prevent foreigners illegally owning land via Thai nominees. Under the proposed legislation, foreigners would face long terms of imprisonment or fines up to two million baht for trying to hide their purchase of land. Those found holding Thai papers illegally might be allowed up to a year to transfer the plots to legitimate entities. The current loopholes are said to be mainly setting up registered companies with a 51:49 Thai-foreign ownership or by marrying a Thai. There is a suspicion that many plots of land are illegally owned by Thais in mainland Thailand and on the islands of Phuket and Koh Samui. At the moment land ownership deals are not public information, leading to suspicious transactions by Thais and foreigners alike. Critics say that there is no reason for new laws. What’s needed is strict enforcement of existing legislation including the anti-money laundering rules and the notoriously lax tax laws on property transactions.


Sports day for Pattaya schools

Published on 03/09/2013

» Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome opened the 2013 Sports Day for public sector schools which, this year, included many track and field events.


Imposters use fake warrant and violence

Published on 03/09/2013

» Wuttipong Boonma, owner of an internet cafe in Banglamung, was assaulted by men professing to be copyright agents. The unidentified men presented what looked like a fake warrant claimed to be from Pattaya court. When Wuttipong protested, the fraudsters broke his jaw and escaped with several computers. Police said they would question the owner further once he recovers from the attack, and that they would check the café’s CCTV.


Depressed man tries to kill friend

Published on 03/09/2013

» Police responded to reports from a Jomtien condominium complex that a man was bleeding profusely. Ake Phudradup, 48, said he had been attacked by Sanit Phromboon, 40, with a sharp-edged implement. Arrested shortly afterwards, Sanit said he was a drinking buddy of Ake for several years but he had recently heard a rumour that Ake had had sex with his wife. Ake denied the allegation. The injured man was taken to Banglamung Hospital for stitching whilst his attacker was remanded in custody on violence charges.


Warning about Thai tourism

Published on 03/09/2013

» The Thai Chamber of Commerce has warned that Thailand is in danger of losing out to Malaysia and Singapore in the battle to attract tourists. Aat Pisanwanich, a director, said that other ASEAN countries had improved their tourist and hospitality profiles while Thailand appeared to be standing still. “Foreign visitors are less satisfied than they once were with the Siamese Smile,” he said whilst adding that some front-line staff tended to look displeased. He suggested that the service industry in Thailand  should concentrate on improving staff attitudes or risk losing many visitors in the future. Other suggestions were to improve the language skills of staff, not only in English but in Japanese and Chinese as well. If these improvements were made, the Chamber concluded, Thailand could well draw up to 34 million tourists a year by the end of this decade with their revenue of 1.65 trillion baht contributing over 11 percent of the country’s gross domestic product. Currently Malaysia attracts slightly more than the 22 million visitors to Thailand at 25 million with Singapore next at 14 million.


Too many foreign tramps

Published on 03/09/2013

» According to the Issarachon Foundation, there are now 200 or so foreigners roaming the streets and beaches in Thailand, unable to pay for their daily living costs or their airfare home. The main reason, according to the charity, is the increasing number of aliens who have registered property in the name of their Thai wife and then been ejected to fend for themselves. Natee Saravari, secretary-general of the Foundation, said that it was not uncommon to see Europeans sorting through the trash at fast food restaurants looking for something to eat or begging on beachfront areas. He added that whilst most Thai homeless people have some form of mental illness, most destitute farang are alcoholics. There are thought to be about 50 homeless foreign men in Pattaya, living mostly in beach areas and eating at one or two charitable institutions which don’t turn them away. Embassy sources say they mostly have expired visas or lost passports and can no longer receive cash handouts from diplomatic sources. Consular officers will contact relatives on request for financial assistance. If that fails, the general advice is to give themselves up for overstay. They will remain in prison pending often lengthy arrangements by their respective embassy to fly them home. Once returned, they will normally be deprived of their passport pending repayment of the airfare.


New satellite to monitor coastal weather

Published on 21/08/2013

» A new computer system and radar station GISTDA has been installed to help predict monsoons and storms arriving via the Gulf of Thailand. The system proved especially useful during the recent oil-slick spread near Koh Samet, when the satellite was able to check weather changes which would affect the movement of the oil. That enabled local defence teams to make the best preparations in anticipation of the pollution.


Top investigators plan Pattaya crime office

Published on 21/08/2013

» The Department of Special Investigation (DSI), having recently opened a branch at Phuket airport, has promised later to extend its presence to Pattaya.