Search Result for “bangkok”

Showing 41 - 50 of 295



One of a kind

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 03/11/2017

» In the US, and many other lands, justice is in the hands of the police and the courts. The citizenry must abide by their decision. But this overlooks the fact that vengeance is a human instinct.


Indian pirates

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 26/10/2017

» Pirates have been around as long as people travelled and traded by sea. A young Julius Caesar was among their prey two millennia ago. The fledgling US Navy pulverised those on the Barbary Coast two centuries ago. Still the pirates persevere -- from the Somali variety to those in the Pacific.



A shrink seductress

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 20/10/2017

» It is said that men are potential rapists and women are potential prostitutes. What is not said is there are more than a few exceptions to this rule. Perhaps more accurately, they mentally undress one another when they meet, or in passing. And who says men have the stronger libidos?



A Druid victory

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 13/10/2017

» I didn't realise how many contemporary historians there are until I began reviewing their books. However, their interests don't vary greatly. Ancient Rome and the Tudor periods are predominant. Followed by World War II and the Templar knights. Then Ancient Egypt and the Napoleonic Wars.



The enemy is them

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 06/10/2017

» Yank seafarer and treasure hunter Clive Cussler is a prolific author of adventure stories, several co-authored. His series include Dirk Pitt, Sam and Remi Fargo, Isaac Bell, Kurt Austin and The Oregon Files. To his credit they are all popular. Dirk Pitt perhaps the most.


A force of nature

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 28/09/2017

» Lee Child was a passable British author when he decided to try his luck in the States. It was a fortuitous decision. While the US doesn't lack detective thriller writers, he proved better than most.



Supply and demand

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 22/09/2017

» During the era of the Raj, India was the leading poppy grower. It was sold worldwide as a treatment for hysteria in women and hyperactivity in children. Only China refused to have anything to do with it because it was addictive, but two opium wars taught them how to take it.



A new sleuth

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 15/09/2017

» Society is based on the deal that in return for protection and security, the authorities have permission to define our rights, inalienable and otherwise. Laws and regulations apply. Nothing is more disconcerting than when they overstep their limits.



The Dark Ages

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 08/09/2017

» I was taught that the Roman Empire fell to the barbarians in 476 AD. My next grade teacher was vague. There were the Dark Ages, Medieval times and Middle Ages. I heard the word Byzantine only once, when the Turks captured Constantinople in 1455 AD. The Crusades took place halfway between.


Once upon a time

Life, Bernard Trink, Published on 31/08/2017

» It is common knowledge that chroniclers have been around since early human history. Not just historians, but more than a few people who were literate. Either told to or on their own, they wrote down what they saw.