Search Result for “bangkok'"”

Showing 121 - 130 of 222


Cooking up perfection

Learningpost, Purich Trivitayakhun, Published on 23/03/2010

» 'If you want to study hospitality, it is best to go to Switzerland" was once a common adage given as advice to students who wanted to pursue a career in the hotel industry.


Teaching, using English as a global language

Learningpost, Published on 23/03/2010

» Wherever you travel, you will hear English spoken in places as diverse as offices, canteens, parks and temples. Indeed, English has become as indispensable as computers.



'Garbage Island': Lost at sea

Learningpost, David Canavan, Published on 23/03/2010

» Have you ever wondered where the litter you dispose of every day goes? Certainly much of it goes into waste sites and, sadly, precious little is recycled, but a large amount makes it to the oceans.


Plain bloody minded

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 21/03/2010

» Last Tuesday we witnessed the spectacle of a couple of thousand largely under-educated, but probably very nice, country folk spatter their blood at the gates to Parliament House. A Brahmin priest dressed in unflattering white danced and chanted and painted evil curses in blood on the four corners of the House. As the sun went down the red shirts went back to their camping ground at the Royal Plaza, and I went home wondering if they were remaking Monty Python here in Thailand.



Dig deep for the future

News, Lamphai Intathep, Published on 20/03/2010

» Youngsters have been captivated by archaeology for many years and this brimming curiosity is now being used to cement ties with neighbouring countries.



When the media Sees Red

Muse, Published on 20/03/2010

» With the red-shirted UDDs on the move, the local newspapers have been covering, and covered in, stories of security measures and the movements of the mob. As the situation looks unlikely to be quickly resolved, some people have been put off by the political and, of course, media channels through which we receive news of our troubled society on a daily basis. 'Muse' asked you last week, during this time when we're not sure of what we read in the newspaper or see on television, what kind of news you want to receive from the media: print, radio or television? Here are your answers!



Painting a better picture

Mylife, Mark Thomson, Published on 18/03/2010

» Are your children complaining that they have nothing to do over the holiday period? Do you have trouble tearing them away from the Cartoon Channel every Saturday?


Sustainability Studies: A Must or just a Trend?

Mylife, Wipa Pinyochotiwong, Published on 18/03/2010

» About 40,000 Thai students travel overseas for further education each year. The majority, who are privately funded students, focus their choice of study on subjects related to business such as marketing, international business, finance, logistics, human resource etc. The lesser number of publicly funded students return home with degrees in science, education and subjects related to public services such as public health.



A man and his Motor Mouse

Brunch, Andrew Biggs, Published on 14/03/2010

» Imagine my surprise last week when a mouse stuck its head out of my car air-conditioner. It was late at night in the car park of Channel 3. It seems this little mouse had made a home in my car for more than a few days, which would explain the scuffling and shuffling heard on and off by yours truly this past week. Thank goodness it was a mouse and not the onset of schizophrenia.



Learning important lessons in a fun way

Outlook, Ploenpote Atthakor, Published on 11/03/2010

» It was a busy day for Kesanee Kodkham, a Grade 8 student at Phya Lor Witthayakom. Her school was the host of the "Buddhism and Science Expo", a fun and spectacular event that combines various fields of knowledge for youths in Thailand.