Search Result for “bangkok'"”

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Leadership quality through the eyes of Asean managers

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 27/11/2014

» Whenever we put two or more people together, we can get a lot more productivity than we would from just one person if we handle them right. This was my experience at the Asean School for Young Insurance Managers (AYIM) in Brunei, where I conducted a course on people management last week for 80 participants.


From leading oneself to leading others effectively

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 13/11/2014

» All of us with any experience working in an organisation have come across challenges in managing people. We all have free will but are bound by the guidelines of our workplace in order to reach departmental and organisational goals. Many of us have learned the best way to stay out of trouble is to focus on task orientation.


Developing high-potential people

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 30/10/2014

» No one is perfect but we all want to have as many top talents as possible in our organisations. We need high-potential people with ability and leadership quality in every dimension to help drive success. But even after we identify the right candidates for the high-potential pool, we have to carefully analyse each one and take a look at both upside and downside characteristics.


The role of the boss in behavioural change

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 16/10/2014

» What do you do if you find your direct reports lack the personality traits needed to perform their work effectively? Will you provide direct and honest feedback or do nothing? Will you help develop them or be concerned only with performance?


Identifying and developing high-potential managers gives companies a strategic advantage

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 02/10/2014

» The ultimate goal of any business operation is growth. No matter what context we use, at the end of the day success boils down to increasing top-line revenue, EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation) and net profit. These are the magic key performance indicators that keep top executives and board members awake at night.


Encouraging growth in a culture of fun and trust (part 2)

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 18/09/2014

» When Mega Lifesciences Plc was preparing to list on the Stock Exchange of Thailand last year, chief executive Vivek Dhawan began thinking about something that hadn't occupied much of his attention in the past.


Growth in a culture of having fun and trust (part 1)

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 04/09/2014

» 'I don't manage people. I help them to find themselves," says Vivek Dhawan, who is the chief executive and chief coach of Mega Lifesciences Plc, the company he has run since 1986.


Leading Diversity Effectively with Compassion

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 21/08/2014

» Managing a team effectively is a lot easier said than done. We are often told to understand people better and to adapt ourselves according to their personalities, which is something I totally agree with. But since human beings have free will, we cannot simply classify them by type into some kind of table the way a zoologist might do with animal species. There are, however, academically proven principles, such as the Big 5 (Five Factor Model) personality theory, which have proved reliable over time in helping to assess people and predict their leadership behaviour.


Love your people the way your mother loves you

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 07/08/2014

» Successful development of human resources (HR) depends on many factors. The very first prerequisite is a strong will to improve and grow in one's career. This is one of the key characteristics of "behavioural growth potential", which refers to behavioural styles that relate to career growth and advancement.


Being Mindful, Being More Effective

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 24/07/2014

» One critical matter that we often overlook is awareness of oneself, what is referred to as “emotional self-awareness”. If we are not aware of ourselves, how can we make the right decisions? How can we behave or express our feelings properly and at the right moment?