Search Result for “bangkok'"”

Showing 51 - 60 of 164


Ethical leadership in the eyes of an English monk

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 30/06/2016

» Ethics is one of the most talked-about subjects these days. I also consider ethics a priority for our society, especially in business circles. My belief was reinforced recently when I heard an inspiring talk by one of the world's great speakers, Ajarn Brahm.


What do great leaders have in common? They listen

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 16/06/2016

» Have you ever noticed that you prefer to discuss things with some colleagues and not with others? One reason could be the way a person behaves during a conversation. He or she will demonstrate a willingness to listen to what you have to say rather than shifting their eyes to glance at a smartphone or some other distraction.



Communicating honestly and effectively still matters

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 02/06/2016

» In today's world we have more ways to communicate than ever before. We chat via social media, smartphone applications and Skype, and many in the working world use video conferencing. Yet there is often no substitute for a face-to-face conversation.


Coaching Generation Y to go in the right direction

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 19/05/2016

» Somkiat is a rising star in his department and the organisation. Both his boss and the head of HR regard him as one of the people with the highest potential to grow. In his late twenties, Somkiat has been chosen for talent development and a one-on-one coaching programme.


We do need another hero (and more of them)

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 05/05/2016

» Everyone loves a hero and, one way or another, everyone also wants to be a hero. So when Ratchanok Intanon became the first Thai to be ranked No.1 in world badminton, Thai people were happy and for a while they forgot all the problems we are facing.


Songkran's food for thought

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 22/04/2016

» Another Songkran festival is behind us, leaving memories both happy and sad, along with some lessons we should heed. What should have been an opportunity to spend a memorable and mindful time with families turned out for some to be a hectic week of wrongdoing, road accidents and other misbehaviour that we don't associate with peaceful people in the Land of Smiles.


How to avoid having another fallen angel

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 07/04/2016

» People produce outstanding work and business results for different reasons. If they have the right combination of personality traits and cognitive ability, they usually succeed. If they work in an area that interests them personally, they should thrive.


The mindful path to better business decisions

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 24/03/2016

» It is a hot day in New York. Twelve members of a jury have to decide the fate of a young man accused of killing his stepfather. Eleven are convinced of his guilt but one lone dissenter changes their opinions. Because of his mindful manner and skill at persuading his peers to examine the evidence without prejudice, the defendant is declared not guilty.


Ten golden rules of communication

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 10/03/2016

» 'My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure," Abraham Lincoln once remarked.


Innovation should be a way of life

Business, Sorayuth Vathanavisuth, Published on 25/02/2016

» 'I will either find a way, or make one," is the famous quotation attributed to one of history's great strategists, Hannibal of Carthage. Back in 218 BC, he conquered Rome by bringing his army across the Alps. That was difficult enough, but Hannibal's army also included African elephants, an extraordinary innovation and a military breakthrough.