Search Result for “bangkok'"”

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Start living a creative life in 2016

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 07/01/2016

» Happy New Year to all of you! The beginning of a new year is always a fresh start, and the time to set resolutions for a new, better you. Today I would like to persuade you to pursue an unusual resolution in 2016: Begin living a creative life.


How Christmas can boost your business in the year ahead

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 24/12/2015

» It’s Christmas Eve! Let’s celebrate the holidays by taking a look at what this festival means to people and what we can learn from Christmas to boost our business in 2016.


Tracking the dimensions of change over time

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 10/12/2015

» Innovation means change. Tracking and mapping political, economic, social and technological change is one of the activities you need to undertake at the beginning of a strategy innovation project. Naturally, the changes of the emerging future are grounded in the changes that are taking place at present and the changes that took place in the past.


Playing on all levels of business creativity

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 26/11/2015

» 'There are two types of creativity: the creativity of making zero to one, and the creativity of making one to 1,000," wrote Kazuhiko Nishi, a pioneering software entrepreneur who joined Microsoft in its early days and later became a leader of Ascii Corporation.


How to innovate with a human touch

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 12/11/2015

» What is the smallest common denominator that you, I and all other readers of this article have in common? We're human. Being human means we all share a set of human wants and needs, values and emotions that represent the essence of humanness. Let's discuss how we may create more meaningful innovations by playing on the human factor.


10 Ways to Turn Everyday Moments into Creative Inspirations

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 29/10/2015

» Here you go again: You face a creative challenge and you desperately need ideas on how to resolve it. You think hard, but the harder you think, the more blocked you become. But have you ever realised that your everyday life is overflowing with creative inspirations? You can easily turn these cues into ideas for your challenge, provided you're open and receptive to all those creative stimuli that await at every corner. Today, let me share with you 10 everyday moments to inspire ideas for a creative challenge you need to resolve.


Is the rise of entrepreneurial Asia imminent? (Part 2)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 15/10/2015

» Two weeks ago, we started exploring why Asia is likely to see a shift from a managerial to an entrepreneurial society in the next 20 years. We arrived at this insight using a futures forecasting technique named causal layered analysis (CLA) that was created by the futurist Sohail Inayatullah.


Are we seeing the rise of entrepreneurial Asia? (Part 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 01/10/2015

» Two weeks ago, I shared with you a series of forecasting questions I gained at the Futures Foresight workshop run by Prof Sohail Inayatullah. I introduced to you a series of forecast scenarios on the future of innovation in Asia, one of which is called Entrepreneurial Asian Innovation 2035.


Forecasting the future of innovation in Asia

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 17/09/2015

» Two weeks ago, I invested time and money in my own professional development. Sohail Inayatullah, one of the world's foremost futurists, was invited by the Change Initiative to run a Futures Foresight workshop in Bangkok. He introduced a set of simple but powerful forecasting questions. How do they play out if a group of innovation experts applies them to forecast the future of innovation in Asia in 2035?


Don't be afraid of the dark side of innovation if you want to succeed

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 03/09/2015

» Creativity and innovation is not only my profession but also my passion. But my quest to create more effective innovation methods has made me realise a related dilemma: What if someone used my expertise to work for "the dark side" of innovation?