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Do you think you're ready to be an entrepreneur? (Part 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 11/09/2014

» 'Who wants to be an entrepreneur?" I asked my graduate students in a course on decision-making. To my surprise, three-quarters of them raised their hands. It seems the American futurist John Naisbitt was right when he said: "We are shifting from a managerial society to an entrepreneurial society." Being customer-focused in all that I do, I added a section on entrepreneurial decision-making to the course. After all, becoming an entrepreneur and then making a go of it requires making big decisions wisely and avoiding the common traps that Noam Wasserman outlined in his book The Founder's Dilemmas. In this column and the next, I'd like to share 10 pieces of advice for entrepreneurs to help you discover if you're ready for entrepreneurship.


Get creative with your inbox and take control of email

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 28/08/2014

» Do you have email fatigue? Does your inbox constantly contain hundreds — even thousands — of emails? Does that number continue to grow? For many of us, email seems more of a curse than a blessing, a source of stress rather than a useful and speedy means of communication.


Fear of losing may be why you're not winning

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 14/08/2014

» As part of the decision-making course I teach to graduate students in business, I introduce them to prospect theory and the related cognitive biases. One of these biases, loss aversion, helps explain why many individuals and organisations are unable to realise their full innovation potential.