Search Result for “baht”

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China seizes Uighurs, abducts children as 'orphans'

Associated Press, Published on 24/09/2018

» ISTANBUL: Every morning, Meripet wakes up to her nightmare: The Chinese government has turned four of her children into orphans, even though she and their father are alive.



1MDB graft scandal heats up Malaysia politics

Associated Press, Published on 02/05/2018

» KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's image as a striving, modern nation that upholds the rule of law has been undermined by an epic corruption scandal at state investment fund 1MDB. Prime Minister Najib Razak, who set up the fund, is facing May 9 national elections that will test his legitimacy.



Indonesia pulp giant tied to firms accused of fires

Associated Press, Published on 20/12/2017

» JAKARTA: Despite its denials, one of the world's biggest paper producers has extensive behind-the-scenes ties and significant influence over wood suppliers linked to fires and deforestation that have degraded Indonesia's stunning natural environment, The Associated Press has found.



Secret North Korean workers in China

Associated Press, Published on 05/10/2017

» HUNCHUN, China: The workers wake up each morning on metal bunk beds in fluorescent-lit Chinese dormitories, North Koreans outsourced by their government to process seafood that ends up in stores and homes in the US and other countries.



Former fishing slaves struggle despite freedom

Associated Press, Published on 11/07/2017

» On the day they were freed from slavery, the fishermen hugged, high-fived and sprinted through a stinging rain to line up so they wouldn't be left behind. But even as they learned they were going home, some wept at the thought of returning empty-handed.



UN child sex ring left victims but no arrests

Associated Press, Published on 13/04/2017

» PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI - In the ruins of a tropical hideaway where jet-setters once sipped rum under the Caribbean sun, the abandoned children tried to make a life for themselves. They begged and scavenged for food, but they never could scrape together enough to beat back the hunger, until the UN peacekeepers moved in a few blocks away.



Promises unmet as Thailand tries to reform shrimp industry

Associated Press, Published on 22/09/2016

» SAMUT SAKHON - Facing international pressure for failing to stop human trafficking in its seafood sector, Thailand promised almost a year ago to compensate victims of slavery and industry leaders vowed to bring all shrimp processing in-house.



Fleeing the North, adrift in South Korea

News, Associated Press, Published on 05/04/2016

» A middle-aged man is walking through a quiet Seoul neighbourhood when he suddenly stops. He lights a cigarette, cupping his hands to shield the flame from the winter wind, and takes a deep draw, remembering how things used to be. He's a former policeman, a broad-shouldered man with a growling voice and a crushing handshake.



More than 2,000 fishermen rescued

Associated Press, Published on 18/09/2015

» More than 2,000 fishermen have been rescued this year from brutal conditions at sea, their freedom prompted by an Associated Press investigation into seafood brought to the US from a slave island in eastern Indonesia.