Search Result for “back post”

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Temple fights drug addiction with horses and boxing

AFP, Published on 18/09/2015

» CHIANG RAI - Every morning in Thailand's far north, a convoy of orange-robed Buddhist monks and novices riding on horseback leave their mountain-top temple in the kingdom's notorious Golden Triangle region to collect alms.



With Asia's dating apps, love by numbers or chaperone

AFP, Published on 29/07/2015

» HONG KONG - Move over Tinder -- a crop of dating apps in smartphone-addicted Asia is offering to recruit friends for group dates or send along a chaperone to steer the course of romance.



Alarm sounded over Myanmar's betel habit

AFP, Published on 27/07/2015

» Plying his trade in the seemingly eternal gridlock of Myanmar's now booming commercial hub, he is more than used to spending long days on the roads and <em>kun ja</em> — better known as betel nut or quid — is the one thing that keeps him going.



Jump, kill or be killed on foundering migrant boat

AFP, Published on 19/05/2015

» Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants on board a foundering vessel off Indonesia fought with axes, knives and metal bars in vicious clashes that left at least 100 dead, survivors said as they recovered from their ordeal.



Rivals India, China win hearts, minds in quake-hit Nepal

AFP, Published on 01/05/2015

» POKHARA, NEPAL ­– At Pokhara airport in the Himalayas, Indian soldiers race back and forth loading rice, blankets, tarpaulins and other aid onto waiting helicopters for delivery to Nepal's quake-devastated villages.


Celebrities urge Australia PM to save execution pair

AFP, Published on 28/04/2015

» SYDNEY - Celebrities including Oscar winner Geoffrey Rush released a video Tuesday urging Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to fly to Indonesia to help save two citizens facing execution, forcing the government to defend its tactics.



Capital to ghost town: 40 years since Phnom Penh's fall

AFP, Published on 17/04/2015

» When black-clad Khmer Rouge soldiers first charged into Phnom Penh they were welcomed with cheers, remembers Chhung Kong, a teacher in the Cambodian capital during the 70s.



All dolled up: China sex toys play for real

AFP, Published on 14/04/2015

» She lay quietly on a narrow bed, greeting potential customers with an impassive stare and a disproportionately buxom form: Meet "156", a stand-in companion for Chinese men with empty beds.



Myanmar farmers dream of resurrecting Asia's rice bowl

AFP, Published on 09/04/2015

» Dressed in Chelsea football shorts and a wide-brimmed hat, Than Tun toils away in his paddy field on the outskirts of Yangon, sweat pouring down his sinewy arms.



Time runs out as Iran nuclear talks hit deadline day

AFP, Published on 31/03/2015

» LAUSANNE - Marathon talks aimed at stopping Iran from getting nuclear weapons reach the finish line Tuesday as global powers scramble to clear the final hurdles hours before a midnight deadline for a framework deal.