Search Result for “assault allegations”

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US priest accused of abusing boys for decades in Philippines

Associated Press, Published on 09/09/2019

» TALUSTUSAN, Philippines: The American priest's voice echoed over the phone line, his sharp Midwestern accent softened over the decades by a gentle Filipino lilt.



Assange hauled from embassy, faces US charge

Associated Press, Published on 12/04/2019

» LONDON: British police on Thursday hauled a bearded and shouting Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian Embassy where he was holed up for nearly seven years, and the US charged the WikiLeaks founder with conspiring with former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to get their hands on government secrets.



Trump threatens Syria strike, cancels summit travel

Associated Press, Published on 10/04/2018

» WASHINGTON: After threatening a military strike against Syria, President Donald Trump on Tuesday cancelled plans to travel to South America later this week, choosing to stay in the United States to manage the response to an apparent chemical weapons attack.



Syrian monitors say at least 14 killed in missile strike

Associated Press, Published on 09/04/2018

» BEIRUT: Missiles struck an air base in central Syria early on Monday, the country's state-run news agency reported, killing at least 14 people, including Iranians, according to a war-monitoring group.



Cardinal Pell facing Australian court on sex abuse charges

Associated Press, Published on 05/03/2018

» MELBOURNE: Wearing his clerical collar, the most senior Vatican official ever charged in the Catholic Church sex abuse crisis appeared in an Australian court Monday for a hearing to determine whether prosecutors have sufficient evidence to put him on trial.



UK upholds arrest warrant for WikiLeaks' Assange

Associated Press, Published on 14/02/2018

» LONDON: A judge on Tuesday upheld a British arrest warrant for Julian Assange, saying the WikiLeaks founder should have the courage to come to court and face justice after more than five years inside Ecuador's London embassy.



Stock turbulence continues, New York down again

Associated Press, Published on 08/02/2018

» NEW YORK: It was another shaky day on Wall Street as indexes rallied in the morning, bobbed up and down for much of the day, then sank in the last few minutes of trading. Energy companies dropped along with oil prices and technology companies also declined.



British judge upholds warrant for Wikileaks' Assange

Associated Press, Published on 07/02/2018

» LONDON: A British judge on Tuesday upheld a UK arrest warrant for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, leaving him still a wanted man in the country where he has spent more than five years inside the Ecuadorean Embassy.



Trump sets Twitter aside, prepares big speech

Associated Press, Published on 31/01/2018

» WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump will herald a robust economy and push for bipartisan congressional action on immigration in Tuesday night's State of the Union address, as he seeks to rally a deeply divided nation and boost his own sagging standing with Americans.



Judge 'honoured' to sentence pervert US gymnastics coach

Associated Press, Published on 25/01/2018

» LANSING, Michigan: The former sports doctor who admitted molesting some of the nation's top gymnasts for years under the guise of medical treatment was sentenced Wednesday to 40 to 175 years in prison by a judge who proudly told him, "I just signed your death warrant."