Search Result for “asian”

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Keeping the faith

Life, Gary Boyle, Published on 07/10/2019

» A man possessed by the spirit of a tiger storms through a crowd. Penitent Filipinos are nailed to the cross. Skewers pierce cheeks, swords slash tongues, and young men are scarred until their skin resembles that of a crocodile.



Stay silly

Life, Gary Boyle, Published on 10/04/2019

» Depending on your age and sensibility, you either found Tom Green's comedy utterly hilarious or unfathomably puerile. His eponymous show, which ran on MTV from 1999, saw this gangly Canadian out to annoy the population of North America, sticking his camera in people's faces and doing dumb stunts, thereby providing a blueprint for the Jackass boys and a generation of foolish YouTubers.



All the classics

Holiday Time, Gary Boyle, Published on 20/12/2016

» Nobody needs to reinvent the wheel of a thousand-year-old cuisine. The recipe for success for any Chinese restaurant is to have an experienced chef producing consistently delicious dishes, maybe making a couple of slight adjustments for local tastes and, if you're extremely lucky, for the venue to have a sensational view.



An anthology of fabled fare

Holiday Time, Gary Boyle, Published on 19/12/2016

» Action! A vintage Merc pulls off Sathorn Road, glides around a fountain and slows to a halt outside a grand mansion. A suited concierge opens the car door, allowing an immaculately dressed couple to exit the vehicle. The mansion doors swing open to reveal an immaculate time capsule of late 19th century luxury chic. The couple are led to a pair of deep leather armchair and sit at the precise moment a pair of welcome cocktails arrive. Cut!


Truffle Hound Heaven

News, Gary Boyle, Published on 30/12/2014

» It's odd how we ascribe value these days. We're happy to spend several hundred baht daily for a couple of coffees and a stale bun, but baulk at rewarding a musician's soulful outpourings by actually paying the same amount for an album. Food, however, in its stubborn refusal to be digitised, has avoided devaluation and Bangkokians are seeking ever higher and more expensive culinary experiences. Michelin-trained chefs used to be enough but now we crave an actual multi-Michelin-star celebrity in the kitchen. Decadent treats like foie gras perennially pop up on every festive menu whether people actually enjoy them or not. But this month Centara Grand at CentralWorld has trumped them all with its truffle menu.


Northern Explorations

News, Gary Boyle, Published on 26/12/2014

» Famed explorer Sir Edmund Hillary racked up a fair amount of frequent flyer miles in his life of adventuring. He was the first man to stand atop Mount Everest, and the first to score the hat-trick of doing Everest and both the North and South Poles. His 1953 expedition to conquer the world's highest mountain was done wearing just a thin cotton and nylon jacket and carrying a scant 20 kilograms of supplies.


Uptown is the new downtown

News, Gary Boyle, Published on 12/12/2014

» Sorry CBD dwellers, zone 1 citizens and heart of the city hipsters: downtown is over. Developers have ripped the soul out of your neighbourhood and hoodwinked you into paying astonishing rent for the privilege. Who wants to pay more for a macaroon in Ploen Chit than in Paris, or buy a New York Deli-style brunch for the price of a flight to Phuket?


A luxury of choice

Life, Gary Boyle, Published on 13/12/2012

» Traditionally at this time of year, calorie-watchers worry about what they eat between Christmas and New Year. A better policy would be to worry about what you eat between New Year and Christmas, and leave this season for a dose of rewarding indulgence. Luckily for those fond of extravagance, one of Bangkok's best hotels has created a festive menu featuring the finest ingredients from every gastronome's wish-list.