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Logic in the time of Covid

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 18/06/2021

» As vaccinations start all around the country, we seem to be heading towards the light at the end of the tunnel. Though that doesn't mean we're out of the woods yet. As of the writing of this article, four new clusters have been found in Bangkok and more than 2,000 cases are being reported each day. After 1.5 years, it's time to see how much the pandemic has affected our lives, our work, our relationships and at times, even our sanity. But there's also one aspect that seems to have affected some people: logic. Here's a look at some of the greatest bouts of logic.



The Thailand Files

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 02/08/2019

» Everyone loves a good conspiracy. There's something deliciously entertaining about the possibility that something could be true and we could spend hours and hours just reading and watching documentaries about the numerous conspiracies out there. Of course, there are others who are at the far, far end of the spectrum, who believe all conspiracies and consider themselves "truthers". Get stuck in a room or a car with these guys and they'll go on and on about how mobile phones are brainwashing you, the CIA knows your every move and how the Illuminati controls the world. Of course, there are also those simply want to have harmless fun like, you know, the nearly 2 million people, as of the writing of this article, who want to storm a certain top secret US government facility on Sept 20, as well as the lesser popular plan to storm Bangkok's Democracy Monument, which would have passed by the time this is published and will most likely involve less aliens. Nevertheless, don't think for one second that Thailand is spared from conspiracies! We've got a few right here. Remember, as a great TV show once said, "The truth is out there".



Thai references gone wrong

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 04/08/2017

» There's nothing like that feeling of pride when we see Thailand being mentioned somewhere in movies, sitcoms or games even. The Land of Smiles' big break would probably be the James Bond film, The Man With The Golden Gun. Aside from movies, Thai food has been getting a lot of recognition as well and it's always such a delight when we hear the gang from The Big Bang Theory mention that they're going to have Thai for dinner as they all gather around, sitting on the couch. While we are definitely pleased with the references being made to Thailand, there are some of them that are... well, wrong. We do realise these are all fictional, but we've compiled some of our favourites anyway for your entertainment.