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Guru's Weekly Buzz: April 5-10

Guru, Published on 05/04/2024

» Guru By Bangkok Post's pick of the most exciting products, activities, food and travel to indulge in.



Exposure to artificial light disrupts circadian rhythms

Life, Published on 16/08/2022

» DEAR DOCTORS: I need it to be completely dark to sleep well. I've got blackout curtains, I use an analogue clock and I even duct-taped the digital lights on the smoke alarm. I just read that light at night is bad for your health. Is that true? I want my husband to know I'm not overreacting about this.



Top of the (T)-Pops

Guru, Suthivas Tanphaibul, Published on 18/03/2022

» Taking most of the limelight in the Asian music industry is the K-Pop wave or Korea pop music. The genre has successfully connected people who are poles apart in origins while also shedding light on non-Western music and pop culture. Thai pop music, in particular, has flown under the radar for quite some time, with only a few names appearing on and off on global stages. However, with the power of social media, T-pop has become a rising tide during the last couple of years. Guru presents a quick look at up-and-coming Thai pop artists along with quick interviews with them.



Art from memories

Guru, Suthivas Tanphaibul, Published on 19/11/2021

» Enter a realm of pop culture remembrances through the eyes of a 70s kid on the fourth floor of Central: The Original Store. Tawan Wattuya, the creator behind the art of memories, is an internationally-renowned watercolour painter known for his breakthrough exhibitions "500" and "Siamese Freaks".



Rising to the beat

Guru, Suthivas Tanphaibul, Published on 03/09/2021

» Varun "Beaver" Sony has become the first Thai to enter DJ Mag's Top 100 DJ list. Known as 22Bullets, Beaver debuts at No.98 (though he did make it to No.146 and No.134 in 2018 and 2019, respectively) and getting here was no easy feat.



Blasts from the past

Guru, Suthivas Tanphaibul, Published on 25/06/2021

» The world moves in a circle around the sun and that, perhaps, explains why trends from decades ago are always doing the rounds. It doesn't matter which decade you were born in, each one had its own exciting new technology, trendy fashions, memorable toys, movies and music -- all of which can be looked back on with fondness. Guru has selected a few places to get your nostalgia going.



Successful transformation

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 15/10/2019

» Transformation is the key to survival, both in life and in work, according to Jakkaphong "Anne" Jakrajutatip, CEO of JKN Global Media, who was recently awarded Asia Media Woman of the Year at Content Asia Summit 2019 in Singapore. She is the first Thai person -- and also the first transgender woman -- to win the award.



Don't rain on my parade

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 19/07/2019

» The rainy season is in full swing and downpours are becoming more and more common, so us Bangkokians are either being rained upon or being beaten down by heat, so yay! While the rain (or the heat) tempts us all to lock ourselves up at home, that doesn't have to be the case. Rainy days don't necessarily mean bingeing Netflix shows (nothing bad about that though, you do you). But if you're getting a little bit of cabin fever and think that the pesky rain is keeping you from fun and entertaining stuff, think again. Guru has listed a number of indoor activities during the monsoons.



Spooky skyscraper

Life, Melalin Mahavongtrakul, Published on 08/09/2017

» Director Sophon "Jim" Sakdaphisit likes to create his horror films based on locations. His 2008 directorial debut, Coming Soon, is set in a haunted cinema. The follow-up smash hit Laddaland -- his best-known project, which grossed 117 million baht in Thailand -- is set in a housing estate. And The Swimmers (2014) takes place mostly around a swimming pool.



The sound effect

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 08/09/2017

» With the number of independent films being made and an increasing number of recording artists taking the leap into the unknown without a label, knowledge about sound and how and where to best capture it becomes key. Luckily you're in the right country. Thailand is a production hub for Southeast Asia when it comes to film and now even more so, music. So, if you've written music for a video, a movie, a music album or you've got this song in your head that you always dreamed of recording... where do you go to turn such far-fetched notes into reality? You could of course do it yourself and start off at home! All you'd need is a condenser mic, a laptop and a few other bits of hardware (e.g. an audio interface, headphones, a MIDI keyboard) and software (Logic Pro or Ableton are some of many) and you'd be well on your way. Or you could go to the professionals, who would have all the gear at your disposal as well as the know-how to see your visions turn into reality. We decided to investigate some of the city's existing recording studios to see what they have to offer in the way of making music.