Search Result for “amp”

Showing 131 - 134 of 134


Lifelong endurance athletes make for superfit octogenarians

AFP Relax News, Published on 02/11/2012

» There may be good reason to sign up for that yearly marathon. A small-scale new study finds that octogenarians who have spent their lives doing serious endurance exercise benefit from having the aerobic capacity of someone half their age.


Top ten fitness trends for 2013: survey

AFP Relax News, Published on 02/11/2012

» A new survey of fitness trends finds that you can put away your fancy fitness gadgets and get back to basics -- push-ups, planks and squats will be some of the most popular exercises for the coming year.


Women undergoing IVF found to be less interested in sex

AFP Relax News, Published on 31/10/2012

» For couples undergoing in-vitro fertilization, or IVF, sex life can suffer, according to a new study and reportedly one of the first of its kind to examine sexual dynamics of couples navigating the quagmire of fertility treatments.


High-intensity interval training shown to boost brain power

AFP Relax News, Published on 30/10/2012

» On the heels of a study released last week that finds that exercise can sharpen your brain as you age, new research supports the brain-boosting benefits of a good workout. According to a small Canadian study announced Monday, four months of high-intensity interval training can make middle-aged people not only healthier but smarter.