Search Result for “aircraft”

Showing 61 - 70 of 230


Adul orders halt to parachute training

News, Post Reporters, Published on 02/04/2014

» National police chief Adul Saengsingkaew has ordered a halt to all police parachute training while an investigation is carried out into the deaths of two cadets in a training accident on Monday.


Parachutist's father suspects foul play

Published on 01/04/2014

» The father of a police cadet killed Monday when his parachute failed to open said he suspected the deaths of his son and another trainee were not an accident.


Parachutes fail, 2 cadets fall to death

News, Published on 01/04/2014

» Phetchaburi: Two police cadets on a parachute training jump were killed yesterday when the aircraft cable used to deploy their parachutes snapped at the Naresuan camp in Phetchaburi's Cha-am district.



Gistda satellite spots 300 objects in search zone for MH370

Published on 27/03/2014

» Thai satellite images of more than 300 objects in the southern Indian Ocean have produced another lead in the search for Malaysian Air flight MH370 as bad weather forced aircraft to suspend operations on Thursday.


Airlines hit by Chiang Mai haze

Online Reporters, Published on 21/03/2014

» At least seven flights were rescheduled, delayed or forced to divert after haze hit Chiang Mai international airport on Friday morning.


Thai navy ends MH370 search

Wassana Nanuam, Published on 15/03/2014

» The Royal Thai Navy has called off its hunt for the missing Malaysian Airlines plane over the Gulf of Thailand and Andaman Sea in light of new developments, navy spokesman Rear Adm Karn Dee-ubon said on Saturday.


Forgery gang suspect joins wanted list

News, Anucha Charoenpo, Published on 14/03/2014

» Thai authorities have placed 39-year-old Iranian man Alireza Kolmoham on a list of wanted criminals in Thailand for his ties to a gang which provided forged passports to international human trafficking groups.


HTMS Pattani joins search for MH370

Online Reporters, Published on 10/03/2014

» HTMS Pattani is taking part in the search and rescue operation following the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 early on Saturday morning.



Malaysia plane probe narrows on mid-air disintegration

Reuters, Published on 10/03/2014

» KUALA LUMPUR - Officials investigating the disappearance of a Malaysian airliner with 239 people on board are narrowing the focus of their inquiries on the possibility that it disintegrated mid-flight, a senior source said on Sunday.


Thais join search along east coast

Online Reporters, Published on 09/03/2014

» Malaysian civil aviation officials have asked their Thai counterparts to conduct aerial searches for the missing Malaysian Airlines jet along the sea off the eastern coast of southern Thailand, caretaker Transport Minister Chadchart Sittipunt said on Sunday.