Search Result for “air force tens”

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Thailand 2031: A Glimpse into the Future

Published on 01/08/2021

» Why 2031? The next decade is likely to become seen as a milestone era during which the world accelerated into a period of development and prosperity having successfully turned the page of one of the worst chapters in modern history after Covid-19 shook the global community to its core.



Air force set to conquer final frontier

News, Wassana Nanuam, Published on 24/03/2020

» The Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) is planning to launch the first satellite of its own in an ambitious effort to embark on missions it says will be more varied than those seen in the classic science fiction movie Star Wars.



Born in blood, Myanmar's army prospers

New York Times, Published on 29/01/2018

» YANGON: For Myanmar's army, the campaign of atrocity it has waged to drive hundreds of thousands of ethnic Rohingya Muslims out of the country is no innovation. The force was born in blood 76 years ago and has been shedding it ever since.



CIA spook recalls Thailand's role in secret war

Spectrum, Richard S Ehrlich, Published on 04/09/2016

» A CIA spy who helped orchestrate America's "secret war" in Laos said US President Barack Obama's visit should not dwell on the past as he defended the soldiers he fought beside, including the Thais.



In fear ofbeing forgotten

Spectrum, Phil Thornton, Published on 21/08/2016

» Monsoon rains drench the cluster of small bamboo huts clinging to the sides of the Salween River bank that separates Thailand from Myanmar. The 475 leaf-roofed huts are home to 3,356 Karen people that make up the displaced community known as Ei Tu Hta.



North Korean H-bomb 'will have repercussions'

Published on 07/01/2016

» SEOUL - Soon after the ground shook around its nuclear testing facility, North Korea trumpeted its first hydrogen bomb test - a powerful, self-proclaimed "H-bomb of justice" that would mark a major and unanticipated advance for its still-limited nuclear arsenal.



Caught in the middle of a US-China arms wrestle

Spectrum, Richard S Ehrlich, Published on 15/11/2015

» The US State Department has quietly approved the sale of 16 missiles — plus training — to Thailand in a proposed deal worth nearly US$27 million, or just shy of one billion baht.



Capital to ghost town: 40 years since Phnom Penh's fall

AFP, Published on 17/04/2015

» When black-clad Khmer Rouge soldiers first charged into Phnom Penh they were welcomed with cheers, remembers Chhung Kong, a teacher in the Cambodian capital during the 70s.


The ugly face behind 'open' Myanmar's charm offensive

Spectrum, Phil Thornton, Published on 03/06/2012

» Moon Nay Li is adamant that despite all the talk of reforms there's still no rule of law to protect civilians in Myanmar. To prove her point she spreads a layer of detailed humanitarian reports, grisly photographs of dead children and single page testimonies that document the injuries, rapes, sexual abuse and tortures inflicted by the Myanmar army on civilians in Kachin State in recent months.


Time running out for Moken way of life

Spectrum, Published on 13/05/2012

» Village elder and midwife Liya Pramongkit, skin brown and furrowed as a walnut, spent her early life living as a nomad aboard handcrafted wooden boats called kabang. They were fashioned from giant rainforest logs; planking held together with vines.