Search Result for “air”

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Thailand as Asean logistics hub

Business, Chris Catto-Smith, Published on 10/08/2016

» Thailand's central location in mainland Southeast Asia, bordering Malaysia, Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos, as well as access to the Mekong River and a coastline along the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea, offers logistics opportunities that few other Asean countries can compete with.


Olympic logistics: Is Rio ready?

Business, Chris Catto-Smith, Published on 27/07/2016

» Amid the seemingly endless string of global calamities, terror attacks and the raucous US political conventions, it may have slipped your mind that the opening ceremony of the 2016 Rio Olympics is just nine days away.


The Night Before Christmas in Bangkok

Business, Chris Catto-Smith, Published on 16/12/2015

» 'Twas the night before Christmas in Santa's warehouse


Need for Asean Supply Chain Integration

Business, Chris Catto-Smith, Published on 04/06/2014

» Southeast Asian economic integration next year will create a competitive market of 600 million people with a combined GDP of $2.1 trillion, solid growth, low manufacturing costs and a rising middle class hungry for the consumer experience across 10 countries.


When work becomes an adventure

Business, Chris Catto-Smith, Published on 21/05/2014

» Those of us who have lived and worked in Southeast Asia for any length of time have become used to the volatility and unpredictability of normal life. Maintaining sustainable business operations can also be a challenge.


Lessons on many fronts from unprecedented MH370 search

Business, Chris Catto-Smith, Published on 26/03/2014

» Monday’s announcement by the Malaysian government confirming that Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 had crashed with no survivors in the Indian Ocean moves one of the most perplexing aviation mysteries from a search and rescue mission to a nearly impossible search and recovery process.


Mitigating risk factors is never an accident

Business, Chris Catto-Smith, Published on 09/10/2013

» There have been some dramatic events in the news this year about major failures and incidents involving logistics infrastructure: train derailments, aircraft runway incidents, oil pipeline failures and horrendous transport accidents involving buses and heavy-load vehicles.


Ensuring logistics support for military aircraft

Business, Chris Catto-Smith, Published on 30/05/2012

» Thailand's defence capability has been boosted significantly with the recent purchase of the JAS 39 Gripen military fighter jet from Saab of Sweden. This small, agile aircraft can take off and land on highways, while carrying the latest technologies and weaponry, providing a potent deterrent in times of peace and a highly effective air combat capability in times of conflict.


Rethinking Security : Supply chains in crisis

Business, Chris Catto-Smith, Published on 04/04/2012

» Supply chains are affected by disruptions such as terrorist attacks, natural disasters and logistics failures. This has resulted in significant focus being directed into developing new capabilities such as supply chain risk management, supply chain security and disaster response. Last Saturday in southern Thailand, a series of car bombs went off, destroying shops and vehicles, engulfing buildings in flame and smoke and sending panicked shoppers and tourists fleeing.


Doors closing on the airline supply chain

Business, Chris Catto-Smith, Published on 29/02/2012

» Many things must happen properly for a commercial aircraft to depart on time from an airport. Without timely arrivals and departures, aircraft timetables would descend into chaos. Airports would become congested, other flights would be delayed as passengers miss connections, baggage delayed, priority cargo would not be shipped on time, correct scheduling of support equipment would be difficult, and airlines might not be able to operate their aircraft profitably.