Search Result for “activities”

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Using patent searches to add commercial value

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 23/12/2016

» A patent is a type of intellectual property that can provide protection for a design, the invention of a product, or the process of making an invention. For a patent to be granted, one of the key requirements is that it must be new or novel. But beyond its novelty, a patent also has commercial value.


Benefits of an effective compliance programme

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 15/04/2016

» Companies and the people who run them are subject to an increasing array of local and international regulations. Running afoul of these regulations can lead to corporate scandals that hurt a firm's reputation and cause lasting damage. A compliance and ethics programme can help ensure that an organisation operates within the law and stays true to its own ethical principles that are important to the company's business and identity.


Insurance laws changing with the times

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 01/05/2015

» To promote and develop Thailand's growing insurance industry and prepare for greater market activity under the Asean Economic Community, the government recently amended the laws governing the country's life and non-life insurance industries for the third time. Formally known as the Life Insurance Act No.3 of 2015 and the Non-Life Insurance Act No.3 of 2015, the amendments took effect on March 6, seven years after the previous amendments were made. The changes can be divided into three main parts as follows:


Reviving dead companies using Thai law

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 14/11/2014

» Death is not always final, at least not for juristic persons under Thai law. Under certain circumstances, companies can be revived after being legally declared defunct or dissolved. This article will discuss how and when such companies can be restored.


Ins and outs of direct-sales registration in Thailand

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 13/06/2014

» Thailand is a highly attractive market for businesses engaged in direct sales, with most of the top global companies present. The result is a 70-billion-baht industry with an annual growth rate of 8.3%. With many new companies eager to join the fray, this article provides an introduction to the legal requirements necessary to proceed with a direct-sales venture.


Access and Innovation in Public Health: A Challenging Dichotomy

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 30/05/2014

» The patent system is designed to protect innovation and, in the same vein, offer an instrument guaranteeing that the fruits of innovation, such as genetic profiling, pharmacokinetics, and gene therapy, will be beneficial for all groups in society.


Company directors in Thailand: Your questions answered

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 29/11/2013

» Directors and officers of both local and multinational companies in Thailand are subject to a complex array of legal duties and obligations. When things go wrong, company executives may find themselves named personally in civil suits, regulatory investigations, and criminal prosecutions, putting their assets and their livelihoods at risk. Understanding the local legal and regulatory environment is therefore essential for any director or executive working in Thailand. This article aims to answer some of the most common questions posed by directors.


Licensing exemptions for foreign securities firms

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 23/08/2013

» The Stock Exchange of Thailand has taken many steps in recent years towards gradual liberalisation of the country's capital market. For example, more foreign products are now permitted to be offered to Thai investors. This includes qualifying foreign exchange-traded funds, qualifying Asean Collective Investment Scheme and foreign-listed stocks with the intention of secondary listings on the SET. Exchange-control rules have also been relaxed, allowing Thai investors _ both institutions and high net worth individuals _ to invest in foreign capital markets.


Patents as a tool for business and innovation

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 12/07/2013

» Almost everyone nowadays is familiar with the words "intellectual property" and "patents". This is largely because intellectual property (IP) is a vitally important part of developing and maintaining a profitable business.


Employee inventions and creativity: Ownership and Compensation

Business, Tilleke & Gibbins International Ltd, Published on 17/05/2013

» With Thailand making the transition to a creative economy, and employers now recognising the importance of employee creativity, it has become very important for managers to know the principles of intellectual property (IP) compensation and foster an environment of innovation where employees are willing to transfer their IP rights for a company's benefit.