Search Result for “accident prevention”

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Disappearing lifeline

Life, Published on 11/05/2021

» Blood is a liquid tissue that transports oxygen, important materials and heat around the body. However, when it was given to Pha Sutha, it brought her back to life. Like other elderly people, she suffers from fatigue and loss of appetite and when she went to the doctor, it was revealed that she had a low red blood cell count.



Winning the fight against cancer

Published on 13/08/2020

» Cancer Prevention — Cancer is not a "spontaneous eruption" in the body. In many cases, cancer can take up to twelve years to develop into disease, with a tumor appearing at about the eighth year. Lifestyle factors such as poor diet, being overweight, tobacco use, stress, environmental toxins, dental hygiene, consumption of alcohol and exposure to radiation are all risk factors that collectively contribute to the development of cancers. The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center states, "The best way to fight cancer is to prevent it."



The teen pregnancy conundrum

Life, Published on 11/07/2017

» One Facebook hashtag last month stirred up an uneasy feeling: #ICanF***ICanRaise. The sentence accompanied a photo of a girl in a revealing crop top, her hands on her swollen belly. She sports a bob haircut typical of students in Thai government schools. She is 15, and she's pregnant.



Protecting a valuable import

Life, Karnjana Karnjanatawe, Published on 20/06/2016

» It's a shocking fact that an estimated 100 Chinese tourists die in Thailand every year. To be exact, 103 of them lost their lives here last year. "The number is very high," said Chen Jiang, counsellor for the Cultural Section of Chinese Embassy. The main cause of death, he said, were accidents on land and in the sea as well as drowning due to water sports.



Tolerant Thais don't need rainbows

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 05/07/2015

» What a surprise in the United States last week when the Supreme Court gave the green light to gay marriage; who would have thought? With a Bible belt thicker than anything seen on a disco jumpsuit, I figured the US was going to be the last country on earth to make such a decision.



You are not alone

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 18/09/2013

» Coming to grips with one's past through the form of writing is a carthatic experience for many, including Bangkok-born psychiatrist Dr Watcharaphol Alexandre Kamnerdsiri.



Tour of duty

Life, Karnjana Karnjanatawe, Published on 23/05/2013

» Pol Maj Gen Roy Inkapairoj, commander of the Tourist Police Division, has plenty of plans and policies to ensure tourist safety. The 43-year-old was a commander of the Immigration Bureau before moving to the tourist division last year. He said his major focus is to protect and serve visitors to the best of his ability.



Ambassador at large

Life, Published on 09/02/2012

» He roams the streets of Bangkok and suburbs on his 3,000-horsepower motorbike. While posted in Vietnam he formed a rock band with himself as the guitarist. He was ambassador to Iraq for two years before moving to Bangkok last year. Mikael Hemniti Winther, Denmark's point man in Thailand, has a lifestyle that few would expect of a high-ranking diplomat.