Search Result for “a”

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The 'I' message

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 14/12/2010

» Most teachers know that being firm yet loving towards students is not as easy as it sounds, and that it not taught in teacher-training programmes either. The two acts are inherently paradoxical. Attempting to do both at the same time may communicate inconsistency and lead to further confusion in students. If they are not careful, teachers may give the impression that it is okay to be "moody" and to be driven by impulses. This is not what "being firm, yet loving" is all about.


Rules vs norms

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 30/11/2010

» Although they are used interchangeably on many occasions, the terms "rules" and "norms" have different meanings and hence yield different outcomes in a classroom setting.


Lesson from a cosmetologist

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 16/11/2010

» Techniques to improve teaching can be learned from a myriad of simple life experiences gained through interactions with people in non-teaching professions.


Teaching sincerity

Mylife, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 02/11/2010

» A sincere individual values himself, takes the tasks assigned seriously and seeks ways to execute his or her responsibilities with utmost diligence and perfection.


Body talk: What's the message?

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 05/10/2010

» Much has been written about decoding body language. Advocates and specialists in this field claim that they can almost precisely match different movements, postures, gestures and facial expressions with the actual psychological states of individuals at any given time. Their strong arguments for this precision influence the general public into attempting to understand others through a series of diagnostic analyses aimed at matching what they see with what they think others are like.


Avoid prejudging students

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 21/09/2010

» A wise old saying goes, "Don't expect clean water from a well that has just been dug. It takes time for the dirt to settle before one can enjoy the freshness of clean water."


Group effect

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 07/09/2010

» Making sure that students assimilate what they are taught is a major task of teachers.



Psychological weaning

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 24/08/2010

» Experience tells us that as students get older, their parents and teachers gradually let go of them and expect them to soon fend for themselves. While this is necessary to prepare students for independent thinking and living when they reach early adulthood, I am inclined to think that this sort of psychological weaning has to be done with caution.


Which is the best school?

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 10/08/2010

» I am constantly confronted by parents who ask the question, "Which is the best school in Bangkok?" My answer has always been, "There is no such thing as the best school, not anywhere in the world." Instead, I urge parents to ask a more reflective question, "Is my child getting the best learning experiences at home and at school?"



Cognitively-sound teaching materials

Learningpost, Edward Roy Krishnan, PHD, Published on 27/07/2010

» To get the maximum result out of classroom instruction, it is necessary for teachers to understand the psychological processes that affect how a student learns. Knowledge of how human cognition works can enhance teaching and learning.