Search Result for “US tech”

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Internet Site of the Week

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 22/12/2010

» This week's Internet Site of the Week is FindTheBest, at, a comparison engine that allows users to browse or search for almost anything, providing an unbiased overview of options so that you can choose the right one for you.


Internet Site of theWeek

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 17/11/2010

» It has happened to all of us: you click on a ''send me an email'' link and your computer grinds to a halt while trying to start up an application like Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express or some other external program that you never use. Annoying, isn't it?


Seeking solace online

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 03/11/2010

» It's no secret that I suffer from bipolar disorder, a major mental disorder, which is not so much an illness as a chemical imbalance in the brain. It has made my life like a nonstop rollercoaster ride _ up and down, year after year, stumbling from one self-induced disaster to the next, not realising until I was about 40 that there was something seriously amiss. With medication, the road has been smoothed somewhat, though I often feel like a zombie, which is neither good nor bad; not really much of anything at all.


Internet Site of theWeek

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 03/11/2010

» The dark side of social networking will soon be upon us. One such example is (''Truth in Reputation''), a site that allows users to post anonymous reviews of their bosses and fellow workers.


Internet Site of the Week

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 27/10/2010

» ''Change the world, one map at a time'' says ShowWorld _ and that's exactly what it does. Thanks to a clever bit of computer programming, this week's Internet Site of the Week displays a world map containing various facts and figures drawn from reliable sources like Unicef, Amnesty International, World Steel, The World Bank and others.


Escape the tyranny of file formats

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 06/10/2010

» Today I would like to share with you one of most important things about software that you will ever learn or need to know, and I can say that with some confidence, based on 20 years of using a personal computer.



The importance of porn

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 01/09/2010

» The Internet owes a lot to porn, whether we care to admit it or not. Without porn driving growth and web technologies (picture formats, file-sharing, and so on), the Internet probably wouldn't be what it is today. In the early days, trading pornographic pictures occupied much of the Internet's time and effort. Even before the Internet, there were BBSs full of porn for the downloading.


Internet Site of the Week

Gotfried. K, Published on 21/07/2010

» Television on the Web will soon be a reality thanks to the ever-increasing size of information pipes and the ever-increasing quality of the information being pumped through those pipes. Unfortunately, many of the websites that offer streaming of television shows only work in the US or in whatever country in which they originate. Here at Internet Site of the Week, we've found another option for our readers, called Podly, located at And, for the time being at least, it works in the Kingdom perfectly fine.


Internet Site of the Week

Gotfried. K, Published on 14/07/2010

» Getting medical advice on the Internet is not always the best idea. There are many health sites packed with information, but one needs to be careful about where the information comes from and stick with trusted sites by trusted names. And even then, as such sites will say, one should only use the information as a bit of a diagnostic tool rather than as an excuse not to visit the doctor. Whenever there's any sort of health trouble, a visit to the doctor is a must.


Internet Site of the Week

Database, Gotfried. K, Published on 14/07/2010

» Getting medical advice on the Internet is not always the best idea. There are many health sites packed with information, but one needs to be careful about where the information comes from and stick with trusted sites by trusted names. And even then, as such sites will say, one should only use the information as a bit of a diagnostic tool rather than as an excuse not to visit the doctor. Whenever there's any sort of health trouble, a visit to the doctor is a must.