Search Result for “Tiger Group”

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The plight of the Forest Patrol Ranger

Life, L. Bruce Kekulé, Published on 26/09/2012

» Nit packed his bag and said goodbye to his wife and two daughters. It would be the last time he saw his family. He jumped on his new motorcycle and left the village heading to the national park headquarters, some 30km away. On the way, he made a quick stop at the market to buy some rice and food for a week's trip into the forest. His salary was about $150 a month, and he wondered how the family was going to make ends meet.


Patrimony imperilled

Life, L. Bruce Kekulé, Published on 27/02/2012

» Some 60 million years ago, the tectonic plate on which the Indian subcontinent rests precipitated a collision that creating a ripple effect across Southeast Asia, the uplifting of land causing the formation over time of many mountain ranges. Most of these run from north to south creating a blanket upshot across northern Thailand as well as areas in Myanmar and Laos. This terrain is divided into many mountains and valleys with rivers that bring life to the region and its people.