Search Result for “Thailand constitution”

Showing 21 - 30 of 159



Prayut set for rough ride

News, Published on 09/10/2022

» Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha may have cleared the tenure obstacle after winning the Constitutional Court's judgement to stay on as prime minister. However, the road ahead may be long and challenging.



Few threats on horizon

News, Published on 31/07/2022

» The post-censure debate period may pose less of a hassle for the government, with the growing prospect of a return to power of the current coalition parties after the next election, say political scientists.



Mitigating dissent risks

News, Published on 03/07/2022

» The designation of seven protest sites by City Hall has been met with a cautious welcome from academics, politicians and protest leaders who agreed it should not stop rallies spilling to other parts of the capital.



Judicial precedent 'needed' to prevent coups

News, Kamolwat Praprutitum, Published on 22/05/2022

» Today eight years ago the military did what many feared it would do -- engineer the coup that toppled the Pheu Thai Party-led government. Naming itself the National Council for Peace and Order, the coup maker argued it had to seize power to break the legal and political impasse. To its critics, there can never be justification for usurping power.



Rainbow of hope loses its lustre

News, Published on 17/04/2022

» Despite recommendations by the UN Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the need to promote gender equality in Thailand, authorities are still yet to afford LGBTQ citizens the right to marry and start a family.


Sathit's twin challenge

News, Mongkol Bangprapa, Published on 06/03/2022

» Democrat veteran Sathit Pitutecha is now wearing two hats, one as deputy public health minister and the other as chair of the parliamentary panel scrutinising two organic laws related to the new election system.



Thailand 2031: A Glimpse into the Future

Published on 01/08/2021

» Why 2031? The next decade is likely to become seen as a milestone era during which the world accelerated into a period of development and prosperity having successfully turned the page of one of the worst chapters in modern history after Covid-19 shook the global community to its core.



Rights chief optimistic despite UN cold shoulder

News, Published on 23/03/2021

» Although the Sub-Committee on Accreditation (SCA) under the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (Ganhri) decided to defer the consideration of the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand's (NHRCT) application for re-accreditation for 18 months, the acting chairperson of NHRCT Prakairatana Thontiravong still believes it's a positive sign as it means the SCA recognises the efforts of NHRCT to improve.



Cops 'still buying top positions'

News, Published on 28/02/2021

» The Royal Thai Police (RTP) needs a major overhaul to tackle the long-standing problem of position buying among police.



Scholar sees chance to sue NCPO

News, Mongkol Bangprapa, Published on 04/12/2020

» The lawyer of Worachet Pakeerut, a Thammasat University law professor and core member of the anti-coup Nitirat group, said he will look into whether it is possible to file a suit for damages from former members of the now-defunct National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) after the Constitutional Court on Wednesday ruled that summons orders issued by the now-defunct military regime are unconstitutional.