Search Result for “Thai soldiers”

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Stranger things

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 09/10/2020

» Everyone loves a good conspiracy. There's a reason why Netflix has a bunch of them ready for you to binge like Unsolved Mysteries, which will rock you to your core at just how completely plausible they are and how they could easily happen to any of us.



Let's get geeky

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 20/04/2018

» Whether you like it or not, geek is in. That's obvious from the plethora of superhero movies reigning at the box office and the TV series we follow and binge faithfully. And Bangkok isn't an exception. Geekiness is alive and well here in the Big Mango. That's pretty evident with the "letter" Major Cineplex released a few weeks ago that employees could use to give to their bosses to ask for the day off to watch Avengers: Infinity War (ours is already printed out and ready to go as well as our escape plan in case our boss chases us out of the office). Aside from that, Bangkok is going to show off its geek pride with a couple of events in the city. So ignite your lightsabers, produce 1.21 gigawatts, step into the Tardis, have your wands at the ready and sit in your captain's chair. Here are five events in Bangkok where geeks will thrive and fanboy/fangirl to the max.



I <3 Bangkok

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 09/03/2018

» Ah, Bangkok -- the city where road laws are more like suggestions than laws, where the traffic is horrible, the air is polluted, where that Rolex you bought stops working the next day and where a "ping pong show" isn't a game of table tennis. There are many weird and sometimes downright horrifying things we experience living in Bangkok, like being stuck in a taxi with a perverted driver. But despite the many, many things we complain about, Bloomberg's Misery Index (which is a thing, you can Google it) has named Thailand "the least miserable country". In light of that, we've compiled a few reasons why we love living in Bangkok (we are aware we're focusing on Bangkok and not Thailand. We see you rushing to troll us, haters) to remind you to look at the brighter side and forget the fact that the elections are postponed again... Oops.